i gaurantee you it would not be a 90 min wait in solo q. You basically see a mass exodus or off meta players from lfg. People that just want to play the game and play for fun will go do that. Crest farmers aren’t gonna sit in lfg they’re gonna go to q and q up the best pug dungeon (ara’kara for instance) and get their stuff done instead of playing lfg. Put that in the game and you’ll eat those words.
Run. Your. Own. Key.
You can already do this and I’ve already explained above the advantage of solo q, i’m not responding to these anymore.
It’s always fun seeing these “I want Blizzard to force people to have to play with me” posts.
They should be forced to play without regards to the meta. Whether thats me or one of hundreds of thousands of other players is rng.
because they would rather have some epic own on the wow forums. These forums defend all kinds of ancient designs for reasons that have little to do with rationality.
Yea they don’t argue in good faith they just don’t want someone else to have a desired feature, because they want to play “ha, gotcha! check mate!” I’m probably higher rated than most of the people responding to this, I have already paid my time to lfg, I want a solo q. And I continue to say “nobody is forcing you to play solo q, don’t want it? Don’t play it.” Those of us that DO want that, should be able to have that. It’s childish to get mad at the idea of other players having fun in solo q on their preferred classes/specs rather than declined for meta exodia comps.
Solo que wrecked pvp.
It didn’t change anything. People jus q up for solo q in addition to their other qeues, literally nothing changed. RBG yolo and premades are still in lfg, nothing changed. I can only imagine premade 2s/3s. I’ve never heard this take before nor noticed any difference. I can only think of the removal of mandatory world pvp on pvp realms with War Mode as being such a massive blow to pvp and rpvp that’s never been addressed. It changed economies dramatically and since tw dungeons are the fastest way to level, war mode is just for farming crates for honor/tokens/conquest and nothing else really.
It would be 3 hour queues with people demanding changes to not only the queue system but to make m+ easier.
I don’t think so, people are already asking for m+ to be easier. I wouldn’t blame a solo q due to the unpopular dungeon design choices blizzard has made in this season or some of the most abysmal seasons. I think solo q would be more popular lfg personally. I said above, go to lfg and type +16, tell me how many keys are listed (it’s prolly less then 10 if not less than 6.) Then make a listing for +15/16, you’ll get like 4x times the number of applicants compared to available keys. You’ll periodically see people post “I just wanna play the game,” in lfg. Just yesterday i saw a 3.4k mage post “You win lfg, I crash out,” group description “getting declined from +15 keys I’ve timed on +17.” Defending this system benefits nobody. They can exist in parallel, qeue leaver debuff would also be an immediate punishment to the natorious issue of people leaving before depletion.
Which means it might not work for them, as ones that complain about such things might just be the kind of trash no one wants to deal with in their groups so they have to resort to queued content to get groups.
I’m 3.2k+ rated. 99.8th percentile in m+ on wow logs. Ranked 180 MWs on wowlogs. 728th ranked of ALL healers in the US & OCE on RIO. Top 50 MW US RIO. The only mw higher rated than me on my realm is literally megasett. I’m not the best, but I don’t think that is the problem. People have literally whispered me that they like mws but need/want a disc priest when applying to their groups. I’ve seen people list keys as low as +12 with Disc in the title. I want a solo qeue so I can play the game at the key level i find challenging/fun. Insulting people is a pointless thing here where nobody benefits. It’s childish.
Because they like to tank or heal but don’t want to use the premade group finder.
Bingo. 1 exclusive spot in highly limited top keys, people are going to prefer meta for the best chances statistically. I blame the dungeon design and tuning for it this season and the punishing nature of challengers peril and overabundance of tank busters and spammable one (or 2) shot casters. Also spam massive unavoidable aoe means the spec with the most damage mitigaitons is the best typically. 2 pain sups, rapture, bubble to avoid the most problematic things or fix mistakes (makes it more forgiving to be caught out bad), etc.
So what happens when the queue assembles a group without a hero/lust? What if it has no battle rez? What if the comp doesn’t really have ways to deal with the special affixes?
So for lust blizz could give a special action button/conjured item that is basically lust. I don’t see any problem with this honestly. Bres would be a little trickier good question. Might just be resolved by giving everyone a free personal soul stone buff on 5 min cd/coolup. Might have to think on that one though to come up with a more effective suggestion for bres. Lust is easy tho just make it a special action button anyone can press or maybe that tank can press. Tanks in higher keys especially will know when they want lust with their route, generally. And it wouldn’t be hard to learn either.
There’s just too many things that would be problematic for a random group, especially at higher levels.
They can make a work around for lust super easy. Bres would be a little complex but I’m sure something can be done about it as well. They made concessions for solo rbgs with the differences between rbgs and rated bg blitz, and the additions of pvp specific talents, so solo q m+ wouldn’t have to be too far removed to fix those issues. I actually think it would make the format wildly popular by removing class limitaitons on these things enabling people to play whatever they want. Like, for example, an omni dispel for healers in Solo Q, so mw and hpal can dispel curses, and i forget who can’t dispel disease or poison or whatever it was they don’t do. Easy fix np. Then you can JUST play the game you’re paying for instead of playing lfg and/or the meta.