Since depletion is getting nerfed, can we get a solo q already?

Can we get a separate rating solo qeue for mythic+?

You guys managed to make this work for PvP. That’s not to say SS isn’t without its flaws but it’s still something to do. I think we’ve all felt the crushing disappointment of spending 3 hours in lfg to get into a key. I literally sat here tonight from 10pm to now, got invited once, and an error on the opening pull of that dungeon led to the group disbanding, so it took hours to get into a key that last <5 min, and now I’m in lfg again.

It’s not just me, an off meta main, either. My friends rerolled to shamans, death knights, etc. And they all tell me the same thing, waiting long stretches of time sometimes to get into keys.

All the time, at least once daily, I see a listing in lfg that’s like “I just want to play the game.” I saw one today even. At this point in the season with my rating there’s not really any reward to doing this besides for fun and the challenge of doing it. There’s no gear reward. I don’t think there’s any gold increases after 12 or 10 or whatever (and m+ is far more expensive than the gold given anyway just for consumables.) There’s no gear rewards past 10 that I know of. Like the only reason to do this is for your own personal reasons and for me and many people like me, we just want to play the game. I would like to just get into a +15/16 difficulty key to play even if that means it’s just prog and wiping. What I don’t like is sitting lfg getting declined for hours for playing what I think is fun to play (mist weaver.)

Every key level has changed the way that I think about every pull and how I use my cool downs and part of the fun of m+ is that evolving adaptation to the next tier of difficulty. Maybe even making talent point moves per dungeon, you know?

I feel like this has been asked for many times along with the utter removal of key depletion. We got concessions on the ladder and that alone the community hopes will ease queue times, but if I’m gonna be stuck in lfg for an hour, I’d at least like to be guaranteed a spot in the queue when it pops, like solo shuffle does.

Maybe we could have 2 different rating systems. I know there would be some worry like this would pull players away from m+ but I think that’s a good thing, because m+ is just the meta. I have seen people begging for disc priests for +12 listings (that’s absurd.) And the players you’re worried about losing are the ones that are off meta or who you probably weren’t gonna take to your keys anyway for one reason or another, whether that’s their spec, their rating, their ++/+++ history, etc. So I don’t care about arguments to that end and I think better players would play both modes tbh assuming 90% of people didn’t just migrate to the solo queue and leave m+ as it is for premade teams that already dominate the format.




Solo Shuffle in PvE is basically just running your own key, lol
Sure it may not be full proof, depending on your group — but neither is Solo Shuffle in PvP.



If it depletes below 14 your key is basically dead unless you can get friends to do it. The people applying to 12s/13s usually have not timed them and on average are prog’ing them. The solo qeue could exist to let you progress like delve tiers to the next tier and make sure nobody is in control of who they get matched with while also not penalizing anyone by depleting their keys if you’re placed in a group with people still learning.

Does that make sense? That’s not to mention that you can do this game of rerolling that blizzard finds essential for some reason that wastes your time in addition to depletion. Most people atp if their key drops below x level they’re just “done.” Like you’re not gonna get it back up and is often a waste of time to try after Tuesday.

The solo queue would be like rng groups, delve-type (tgp) progression system, doesn’t matter what role or spec you are, doesn’t sacrifice someones key, and you can just play the game at the challenge level you want after you progress to the next tier. That’s one of the biggest things about this, if you want to just do +15s for fun and the challenge of doing it, you’re not stuck doing this ridonkolous 16->15->14->13->14->13-14->13->12->14 etc. You’re not actually getting to do that with the current system.

No that sounds horrible

Edit: you wanna speed up play time, set loose filters on your own key and accept the firdt 4 role appropriate applicants.


Solo queue for pvp has been a god send, i would love to see blizzard try it for m+ some day


For you maybe for a lot of people this would be a strict upgrade. If you don’t like it, don’t play it, that simple. Let the rest of us that don’t want to sit in lfg for 3 hours getting declined suffer with you.

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It wouldnt.

You think getting denied for 10 minutes straight is bad. Enjoy 3 hour queue timers and more than likely bricked runs.


Cant get declined from your own key
Everyone gets a key
System is already in place to combat that

Edit: give me a good reason as to why people cant start their own groups and how an RNG setting trumps picking your own group

Hint: because they dont want to isnt a valid answer


if they arent removing depletion for below 12 it wont matter for the overall player majority lol.

+12 is still the 0.001%


I think the only thing that will keep people happy is that instead of depletion, if you fail to time the key you automatically get awarded 3 mythic raid GV slots, and 2 pieces of loot from the run direct to your mailbox.

It would. It wouldn’t for you. Quit denying other people’s experiences.

Edit: give me a good reason as to why people cant start their own groups and how an RNG setting trumps picking your own group

I already did, the type of people applying to 12/13s to push your key back up are almost exclusively people that have never timed them, so your key is doomed usually. Maybe you’ll get lucky and someone is on their alt so you can put more faith in them. WIth my system there’s no key involved, it’s just a delve tier type system, and you get to just play at the level above what you’ve completed and there’s no control over who gets picked.

Also, picking your own group is both good and bad. Like i outlined before, lfg right now and most the of the time is dominated by the meta. Even though this creates a white list of classes people are willing to take to high keys (15-17) my friends who are meta specs/classes say it is still hard to get into keys. Solo qeue removes this barrier to entry.

You can’t just say “run your own key,” you need people to apply to your key and you can only take 4. Go look at lfg right now and tell me how many 15-17 keys are in lfg. Right, now make a listing like +15 Grim batol, and tell me how many apply. The disparity/ratio is huge. People want to play the game without depletion as a penalty to doing what they want to do AND they want to play the spec/class they prefer. I know feral druids, I’m a mist weaver, my favorite tank to play with lately is a brew master, etc. etc. If meta people have an edge over us and even THEY can’t get into groups then you have to admit there is a problem here with lfg wait times. It’s 2:30 AM. I’ve been in lfg since 10pm. My idea would be a strict upgrade along with the hundred or possibly hundreds of people, like me, waiting for the key they want to do to appear in lfg.

I’d rather sit in a qeue with a guaranteed group spot in the eventual group than compete for the singular heal spot in the highly limited keys I want to do. My idea for the solo queue would remedy this issue for me and my many friends I can anecdotally attest to having the same issue. There is always people like you though who will look at a suggestion like this and want to argue against it, because you personally do not like it. If you don’t like it, then don’t play it. Nobody is forcing you to play solo shuffle in pvp, you can just do blitz or 3s or whatever. If they added this then you can sit in lfg the way you like, and then the rest of us could sit in queue. It’s quite simple.


Denying other peoples experiences??

Do show me all the people who were denied their own key. This ought to be interesting

…thats not even remotely a proper answer. First people to clear 15s, who did they have to carry them through that?

No one. They were a group of folks who had only previously done 14s.

Youre saying the only two options are get carried or queue system? Hooo buddy do i have news for you

It does not. It creates more barriers.

Time limits
Group comps
Utility for specific dungeon

Know what removes a barrier to entry? Starting your own group.

Then they need to play better.

Stop pugging or stop being so selective. Wait times arent because theres no applicants. Wait times are because people pass over applicants that are in range

And youre gonna tell me in that time you couldnt put together 4 people of appropriate roles from starting your own key?

In the time you’ve been waiting, about 300 groups were formed and dungeons were run. If you wanted to participate, you could have formed your own group and done so.

Its not that i dont like it, its just a failed system youre trying to implement.

You get groups with no lust
No Brez
No poison cure
No decurse
All melee
All ranged
Long/no interrupts

Its a bad idea because the system isnt designed to handle the mechanics of a dungeon. The system is designed to put a first come first serve group together in a “no-fail” environment.

Queued content doesnt matter theres no lust because its scaled so horribly that bosses will be dead before Lust activates. Likewise it doesnt matter if its an all melee group and the ranged mechanic goes off in melee range due to it because its non lethal damage.

Its a bad idea that people dont actually put any thought into. And youre no different

You want to split a playerbase thats already thin at the levels youre talking about? People already complain DPS times in a flooded TW pool. How long do you think its going to take when you’re #231 DPS in like waiting for tanks and healers who are willing to risk a piss poor design mode to sign up?


If you dont want to wait in queue, put your key up and grab the first 4 appropriate roles and go


That’s the real solo shuffle, lol. I don’t know how the OP doesn’t realize that is exactly what they are asking for.


Only for the run to be dead before you get to the first boss, and you’re back waiting in queue for another 90 minutes.


Run. Your. Own. Key.

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It’s always fun seeing these “I want Blizzard to force people to have to play with me” posts.


It is almost as fun as posts that shout down a usable idea, because they would rather have some epic own on the wow forums. These forums defend all kinds of ancient designs for reasons that have little to do with rationality.

I don’t see why a queue system couldn’t at least be tried, it’s obviously not ideal for pushing but having an option to do semi relevant level keys without going through the group finder has an appeal.

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My suggestion would be to add a random M+ queue with 4ish difficulty options. Something like +2, +4, +7, +10. Nobodies key is used, you just get a random dungeon of that difficulty. People that don’t want to run a random dungeon or with random people would continue to just do them as normal. People who want queuable M+ would have a option.

Either have an ilvl requirement per difficulty and/or require timing a certain number of the previous difficulty before the ability to queue for the next is unlocked.

This has the downside of random people and an inability to target farm a specific item and the upside of not having to wait for a manually formed group.

Let people play the game the way they want.

Solo queue for M+ sounds like a terrible idea.

Why would you want to be randomly pushed into a group that you cannot vet yourself for timed content? You may end up with a comp that has no lust and no brez.

If you say, “Oh well the queue would plan that for you” than the queues would take forever and make the system utterly useless.

Just run your own key, or find a guild with people of similar interests.

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