Can we get a separate rating solo qeue for mythic+?
You guys managed to make this work for PvP. That’s not to say SS isn’t without its flaws but it’s still something to do. I think we’ve all felt the crushing disappointment of spending 3 hours in lfg to get into a key. I literally sat here tonight from 10pm to now, got invited once, and an error on the opening pull of that dungeon led to the group disbanding, so it took hours to get into a key that last <5 min, and now I’m in lfg again.
It’s not just me, an off meta main, either. My friends rerolled to shamans, death knights, etc. And they all tell me the same thing, waiting long stretches of time sometimes to get into keys.
All the time, at least once daily, I see a listing in lfg that’s like “I just want to play the game.” I saw one today even. At this point in the season with my rating there’s not really any reward to doing this besides for fun and the challenge of doing it. There’s no gear reward. I don’t think there’s any gold increases after 12 or 10 or whatever (and m+ is far more expensive than the gold given anyway just for consumables.) There’s no gear rewards past 10 that I know of. Like the only reason to do this is for your own personal reasons and for me and many people like me, we just want to play the game. I would like to just get into a +15/16 difficulty key to play even if that means it’s just prog and wiping. What I don’t like is sitting lfg getting declined for hours for playing what I think is fun to play (mist weaver.)
Every key level has changed the way that I think about every pull and how I use my cool downs and part of the fun of m+ is that evolving adaptation to the next tier of difficulty. Maybe even making talent point moves per dungeon, you know?
I feel like this has been asked for many times along with the utter removal of key depletion. We got concessions on the ladder and that alone the community hopes will ease queue times, but if I’m gonna be stuck in lfg for an hour, I’d at least like to be guaranteed a spot in the queue when it pops, like solo shuffle does.
Maybe we could have 2 different rating systems. I know there would be some worry like this would pull players away from m+ but I think that’s a good thing, because m+ is just the meta. I have seen people begging for disc priests for +12 listings (that’s absurd.) And the players you’re worried about losing are the ones that are off meta or who you probably weren’t gonna take to your keys anyway for one reason or another, whether that’s their spec, their rating, their ++/+++ history, etc. So I don’t care about arguments to that end and I think better players would play both modes tbh assuming 90% of people didn’t just migrate to the solo queue and leave m+ as it is for premade teams that already dominate the format.