It really depends on the season, this season 7 would have been no go, but in some of the easier seasons 100%. Also is there much a difference between the clientele doing low keys in a queue or the group finder? You aren’t going to be getting be getting the best when you load up a 4 on the dungeon finder regardless.
We already have this with normal heroic and TW. And thr forums are already flooded with complaints. Now multiply that by how much more difficult the key level is
So being able to queue into 10s right away until i find a group to carry me is what youre wanting? Blizzard is against that. Which is why keys depelte.
Theyre still going to avoid m+ if they prefer delves for that range and delves have the added benefit of being instant
Fool - proof
I would use it myself so I understand how it would be useful to me.
I’ve done queued content in WoW for years.
I’ve done plenty of group finder M+ pugs since Legion as well and I’d prefer to just be able to queue for them at this point.
Thats great.
But it is completely irrelevant to anything I said.
We know, due to history, that the general playerbase hates long queues and will complain if the queue is long.
We also know, due to history, the playerbase does not accept PVE content you queue for to be difficult.
Something tells me you dont understand what social anxiety is or how it works.
Forming a group would be the least of the worries when it comes to social anxiety in m+ setting lol
Steps 1 and 2.
Eternally retold.
are you being intentionally disingenuous? How do you get
out of
Also, there is a massive gap between normal/heroic and tw vs the early m+ key level in terms of value and difficulty. Expanding the queue to early key levels can make people who like doing m+ more able to get into m+ while still encouraging pushing and normal dungeon finder stuff for people who want to go further than that.
I mostly play healers so I’ve never really had this problem but I’d queue as a healer for satchels if they made them decent and help lower the queue.
Maybe I’d try lower ones as a tank for a satchel. Sometimes I’ll do heroics for satchels as a tank but have no interest in tanking M+ currently even though I’m sure I could up to a point fairly easily.
They hardly ever try it so I don’t think we do know that. I’ve queued for hard queueable content when it rarely has existed.
We don’t need it to be extremely popular with the entire playerbase to be useful.
People hardly ever speak in M+ even when you join a premade group finder group. Especially not in lower difficulties. Maybe if you’re talking about the OP suggestion of being able to queue to a push level of M+ difficulty you’d have a point, but I don’t think it’s relevant in the 2-10 range, especially after the season 2 changes.
I already highlighted on why it wouldn’t work.
They are too lazy to learn mechanics and get carried to their score and gear. Somehow they make it into 10s right now.
I have 2 dungeons I haven’t timed on a 10 due to this. There is always one guy thats 630+, 2600+ score pulling 500k to 1mil and dies to basic mechanics OOOOOR doesn’t help with mechanics.
Had a 633 boomy yell at me for not trapping the fox add in mists, yet they constantly ran away from my traps. Didn’t typhoon. Didn’t roots. Etc.
Had a ret in NW, we all know how crazy they are right now. Guy was 631, I did double their overall damage. Didn’t help interrupt at all throughout. And as you know some interrupts are a must or pretty much a wipe. Kept nuking abom on 3rd boss. Ignored adds on 2nd boss.
So these are premades at a +10 with people 630+ and the score.
Score and ilvl req are meaningless.
Someone with greens that knows mechanics would be preferred or either of the 2 I listed above.
For a lfg m+ system to work. You would need to bring back proving grounds and the dungeon threshold unlocks per tier.
Otherwise they would be even more so of a wipe/brickfest.
That is what I’m saying though, what is the difference between a +4 in a queue vs a +4 in the dungeon finder when the only people who will be signing up for it are the type of players who do +4s?
You can’t guarantee someone will know mechanics or succeed at them with or without a queue so I’m not sure why that means the entire system would fail.
I don’t think anyone is trying to argue that you should time them 100% of the time.
…and we saw the magnitude of complaints of people who couldnt pass silver…
Imagine the outcry now
But this is what the queue system is made for. No-fail content
and that is why the current queue system is garbage.
Just because current available content for queue is highly unlikely to fail doesn’t mean there can’t be failable queued content.
Stick a warning label on it or something if it that’s much of an issue.
No the queue system is fantastic for its designed purpose.
To see content with a 99.9% success rate. It was never designed for challenging content
Create your own groups if wait times are that much of an issue
I feel like the queue system being for journalist mode is a waste of that system. Having some bite to the content is important in keeping the game feeling like a game instead of a chore.
The difference there is that we already have proof that the system as it is isn’t getting as much engagement as Blizzard would like and a queue system is a potential solution to get more players involved.
We already could make our own groups but we’re not so clearly that’s not the correct solution.