Season 2 is changing the difficulty scaling and even delaying at what point they start to add affixes. I also mentioned earlier they could add an ilvl requirement per queuable difficulty and perhaps a rating requirement or something so you would have had to complete a number of different dungeons before being able to queue for the next difficulty.
You wouldn’t have to meet the standards of a premade group, but you’d have to meet some basic level of potential and not show up in greens.
Not everyone likes to form groups manually. I think tank would be the rarest probably as they are in every difficulty level, but there’d still be some.
I’d also consider buffing satchels as mentioned earlier.
I couldn’t say for sure but Blizzard is already having to change the difficulty scale back in the direction of Dragonflight in TWW S2 compared to S1. That would seem to suggest they want more players of a wider range of skill to engage in the system at least up to a point.
For players pushing keys as high as they go, I don’t think this affects them at all.
After the nerfs and as I’ve said I think keeping it to lower-level keys I don’t think it’ll be much crazier then cata heroics were. I think it could work as a new player space similar to how 12+ keys are a high-end space. And let’s be honest the people who already do 2-7 keys are already in that space to begin with because most players who know better avoid those key levels like the plague.
It has to be pants on head easy for the lowest common denominator. You are not the lowest common denominator, unless you’re suggesting that +7 queues require 2600 score.
I mentioned it earlier, but my view is start it as 0-7 maybe even lower. Have some ilvl requirements maybe some rating to progress. Choosing difficulty could be a toggle with a fill option with side rewards that exists for people who don’t care and just want to do a dungeon with randoms.
the waste of time for not clearing is a big enough reprecussion. Being able to fail is important to differentiate it from other queue content. Might even be worth having a warning that it is possible to fail on the queue.
As I said above, I feel the most important thing for this kind of mode is to streamline that section of keys that people avoid doing in favor of doing delves. I don’t think it would be a good idea to make it for gear cap keys for various reasons.
Something tells me you’ll never get it, but that’s alright. Nobody would make you queue for anything so you wouldn’t be harmed by the creation of a random M+ queue.