They’re already nerfing it without a queue system going into season 2.
If they did my suggestion and just had 4 difficulties, stopping at +10, I don’t think it would be that much of a problem. Maybe certain people wouldn’t make it to +10 and would stop at +7 or +4.
I think overall more people would still try M+ than currently do. It’s not about getting them to try to compete on the ladder.
That might be an issue with the OP suggestion or others if they want you to be able to queue up to any level. My suggestion of just having 4 random M+ difficulty options (IE: +2, +4, +7, +10) I don’t think would matter for this. You don’t need a min/maxed group to try a key if you’re not at the cutting edge of difficulty levels. Especially in season 2 where they’ve adjusted the difficulty scale significantly for 10 and lower.
Generally I also think it was bad design to have certain specs able to deal with affixes so much better than the rest (IE: poison cleansing totem on a 45 second cooldown after you nerfed mass dispel to a 2m CD). They shouldn’t do that to begin with.
I suppose if it was that much of an issue you could have an NPC that will give you conjured drums or something at the entrance.
Yeah, but I honestly don’t agree. You speak in hypotheticals and prophesy, and honestly, I can’t imagine it being much worse than what we already have in the current queue content. There is space for more game modes in this game.
Though keep in mind my view on queue m+ would be 0-7 queue ilvl requirements going from lfr to normal raid gear and maybe a baseline rating requirement for 5+ keys. Add in an achievement that rewards something like the perky pug and make it so everyone above rating gets a gold and relic cache at the end of the dungeon and I think its an acceptable addition to the game.
Having a plug in and play mode of m+ has an appeal.
If they added a random M+ system I think replacing someone mid-run could be reasonable as well if the timer hasn’t completed. Maybe add a checkbox to the queue to allow yourself as filler to runs in progress. Possibly give a bonus satchel of some kind if you filled a run in progress and stayed to the end. This could also considerably speed up DPS queues if you allow yourself to be filler where some people don’t.
Why do you feel tanks and healers would ever participate? They can get instant groups now, and they can ensure their group is statistically better than the queue.
Give them a satchel like heroics? That assumes the content will be completed. You cant assume that with m+ like you can with heroics.
My suggestion above was to add a random M+ queue system with 4 difficulty options such as +2, +4, +7 and +10. You would get a random dungeon, nobodies key would be used.
The normal M+ system would still exist outside of it.
People are in 5s and 6s right now that shouldn’t be there because they got carried up to that point.
The amount of 5s and 6s Ive had bricked this season is ludicrous. It took me so long to break that range.
But they have the ilvl and score. Now put them in lfg because they are already too lazy to learn mechanics, extra incentives to be lazy.
Almost every run above a 5 would be bricked.
M+ in lfg is just a bad idea.
Likely the same reason as tanks and healers doing heroic dungeons some people like learning from a lower place. Heroic dungeons are a poor place to learn such things, especially healing where sometimes mechanics don’t even exist. I think the other aspect of it is that solo queue m+ would inherently not use someone’s key meaning it could be a place to target farm dungeons.
If they really want to ramp it up, they could also just make it the best way to farm valorstones, but I’d rather they just removed those.
I honestly don’t care about these topics anymore but here is something I always did find funny about these circular arguments. Just about any M+ thread’s life cycle can be summed up below.
Someone mentions they want X change for M+.
Someone responds that if they change, then bads will be carried.
Someone points out bads are already carried now.
Someone points out it will be worse. Just make your own groups.
Someone says that making their own groups don’t work because nobody wants to join X level keys.
Someone responds that X level keys are low anyway and whomever joins doesn’t matter until Y level keys.
Someone points out that only specific classes can get into Y level keys because balance is trash.
Someone responds that balance being trash doesn’t matter the X level keys are easy anyway.
Someone points out that if X keys are so easy that nothing matters, then why does it matter if “bads” are carried and suggests changing M+.