Simplify The Game

I use to main healer. There’s no way I can main healer anymore LOL. Since legion it’s been hell to play that.


I like it when MMOs are a bit overwhelming at first, just means you got some learning to do.

But… WoW is a mess. Biggest problem is Blizzard don’t care at all about older content in retail. They want you to just buy boosts and move along to the newest expansion. Sad really, all those years of hard work wasted and unloved by it’s creators.


14 button rotation? I have 5 buttons.

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A “rotation” speaks to the fundamental buttons you press to perform your throughout.

Nobody has a 14 button rotation.


I believe the term you’re looking for is opener.

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There are addons that people use just to help them with the rotation because of how bloated it is.

I’m running zero add-ons. You don’t need them to play the game.

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I advocate for addons for a lot of reasons. I don’t think they’re necessary to do a damage rotation.

If they are, it’s because you’re very focused on a lot of other things outside of your damage rotation

What are you trying to keep up with?

Are we still talking about leveling?

I don’t know. Do you need to learn a rotation to level?

Duh, says it right in the post you quoted.

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No. You do not.

Your ignorance is laugable. HA!

Ideally, sure. More or less comes with the territory. Should learn how to do damage while you level up I think

You believe you MUST learn your full damage rotation to level?

Its nice to learn it.

But its absolutely not required. Thats literally one of the main complaints about leveling.

I’d say most people get through leveling by just punching buttons and not doing their proper damage rotation.

This reads like my boomer parents who are scared of technology that has “too much going on”.

You’re a classic Andy-- you have a game mode that delivers what you want.

No need to boomer down retail because you’re overwhelmed.

Now go on you–back to yelling about Gen Z of Facebook!

This is part of the problem and why Blizzard is reticent and generally avoids doing anything bold.

LFR is a chain weighing down Retail in some respects and yet Blizzard lacks the conviction to delete it because they know people will be upset and aren’t willing to push their vision if it means they might lose subs in the short-term.

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Which respects?

Here’s hoping story mode is step 1 in that process

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You seem like the type of person to square up when you walk into a public bathroom and see your reflection.