Simplify The Game

Just what it says. After playing Cataclysm again, I realized what is wrong with retail. There is just way too much going on to keep track of. There’s too many quests, too many factions, too many timelines, too many talent options, too many dungeons to remember, too many collectibles, too many sidequests, too many named NPCs, too many storylines, too many spell effects, too many addons… It just goes on and on. I have no idea how to even make heads or tails of retail. Where I am supposed to go or what I should be doing. Just make it simple and linear so that someone who hasn’t spent 10+ in a basement reading comics can figure out what to do.


Just stay on the path.


This is an opinion I very strongly disagree with. Sounds like you need a different game, then. Glad Classic is there for you.


I’m fine with having a lot of content to do. However if they can get rid of crafted gear that would be great. It’s annoying to craft.


it’s a inevitable problem for an old mmo, I wish they would simplify it but I don’t know what they can do

too many holes in the world timeline and currency/reps is the biggest issue for me


I do agree that retail is way too bloated, too complex, and too hard.


Retail is a mess. But other than removing content to force simplification and streamlining I don’t see what they can do about it. And I never like to see things removed.


It’s always uncomfortable to do, but sometimes an old house needs to be cleaned out.

Boomer take. Play classic.


Classic is worse than Retail, sending you in 15 directions with 20 different quest and a bag full of quest items.

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The game has never been more streamlined.

Do you guys not remember being forced to take every single quest in a hub? Now, you can just focus on the Campaign.


You just said you were playing Cata Classic and it was better…


Sounds like you need to give up mmos and play Farmville


I am already playing Cata Classic, so I assumed they meant Vanilla. Why tell me to go do the thing I’m already doing? That doesn’t solve the problem in Retail.

I dont agree that

“too many quests”

is a problem in retail

I get it though. If someone doesn’t want to play your way, they are wrong and worthy of being insulted.


I feel like you didn’t read…

  1. I am “they,” the one who said something about Classic.
  2. I didn’t tell you “go play Classic.” I said:

Meaning: you already have the version you enjoy, because you’re playing it right now. And I have the version I enjoy. Does that make sense?


Like telling people to get lost and go play a different game if they think Retail can be improved in any way at all?

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You started the insults. You sorta have to expect people to respond in kind.

When you start off by putting others on the defensive, they will react as such.


Why are you so hostile to discussion?

You created this thread being hostile in your first opening post.

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