Simplify The Game

I didn’t say it was “difficult”. I said it was “complex”.

Okay. So is Cata. What’s your point?

Maybe not cata classic (post nerf) but pre nerf dungeons were absolutely “complex”heroics were actually hard in OG cata

Reforging was as confusing as any other system in the game

Yeah, I mean to be clear I’m not salty about the thread getting taken down

I’m salty about the thread getting taken down meanwhile most of the threads in GD have the most rancid vibes I’ve ever seen.

I just genuinely don’t understand this community.

Trolls keep posting ridiculous zero value add OP’s and people just vibe off it and it’s just a real shame. What a poor reflection of the wow community.

Where are the fun, celebratory threads? Apart from the LBTGQ lounge thread, virtually every popular thread is negative.

Honestly that is going to be required until they actually start balancing talents. Right now some talents are 10x more impactful than others and it’s not obvious just reading about them. For example, in M+, adaptive swarm seems like a meh little nothing, regenesis seems amazing, but nobody uses regenesis and everybody uses adaptive swarm because it’s actually the opposite.

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Why do you need a guild when everything is on Discord?

I dont think you captured it correctly. Cata actually ruined stuff more than it fixed.

The first thing is questing, in WotLk you had to read quests in order to find things. Often times you would get lost but it was in a good way. It was a real adventure where you had to go around and actually adventure.

The second thing they messed up was removing the need to go through old content while leveling. The reason this hurt the game is because new players dont know who anyone is or anything about the lore of Azeroth or Draenor or Argus. They wont care.

The third is the removal of danger in open world, you can literally cheese past mobs. In cata you were able to do this to an easier extent, in WotLk you had to struggle! Ultimately the leveling experience would teach you how to win at the game and now it’s hard for people to get that.

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But its not complex.

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This is the part I 100% disagree with. I don’t want to get “lost” when I’m playing a game. I really dislike Season of Discovery where you have to run around blindly looking for things that might be there in the hopes that you might bump against something important. I don’t want to have to check under every rock and inside every crevice to figure out where to go next. Especially when I am doing low level content from previous expansions. I shouldn’t have to grind old reps or complete quests chains that give outdated broken gear. I shouldn’t have to jump through 6 different timelines 10 years in the past to get to the present moment where 90% of the players are. Cataclysm was perfect in this regard, since it offered a fast track for new players set in the present era. You didn’t have to go back in time and advance through 3+ years of content to get to the current game anymore.

The hilarious part of this post is that when Cataclysm came out, everyone was crying that it was too difficult lol.

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I’m not talking about difficulty, I’m talking about complexity. And I’m not talking about mechanics, I’m talking about how the leveling experience is designed. I keep explaining that again and again, but you don’t listen.


You have posted 32 times.

This is the first time you have mentioned leveling.

The leveling experience in WoW is bad, yes. But not due to complexity.

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Cata had one of if not the most complex system in the game called reforging?

Explain that one. Your acting like retail questing is so difficult. It’s not any different than cata

Ok now this is funny and I’m interested

Also this

You’re talking about end game crafting mechanics. I’m talking about new player quest design.

Alright, bud. You point out where in this post you’re talking about new player quest design.

Should also mention you’re posting from a level 70 character so why would anyone feasibly think you’re talking about leveling

I got to level 70 by… leveling through the quests. :man_facepalming:

You change “what your talking about” anytime someone brings up something complex about the game lmao

Think maybe there’s room for improvement vis-a-vis subject line and/or paragraph body to specify you’re talking about leveling?

I agree with the OP.

Blizzard has the flawed idea of thinking that more = better, or more fun.

Seriously, the game is way to complicated for a person to keep up with everything. I don’t understand how a newbie would be attracted to this game considering what retail has become since the glory days of Lich King.

My beef personally with retail is that the button rotations are way too much, seriously, having a 14 button rotation is insane. How on earth is that even fun. I mean I barely manage with my rotation and my dps numbers are average when in TBC to Cata I was topping dps charts.

And no I won’t play Classic cause I already did that content years ago.

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