Simplify The Game

Has nothing to do with being classic Andy. The game difficulty curve is definitely harder than what it use to be and that’s why there’s less and less guilds every season doing CE.

We’re not doing this.


I appreciate your response. I realize how hard it is for you to come up with such clever lines instead of participating in the discussion.


Of course we aren’t.

Make bold claims, then refuse to talk about them.

Its the WoW Forums way.

If you think this, then you didn’t even read the initial post.

Where did it mention the difficulty curve of mythic raid?

Read back through the tone and rhetoric of that post because what you’re saying doesn’t even approach paraphrasing, lol.

I think a core component of that is WoW isn’t attracting young players.

To be fair, he keeps changing what his initial post is about. Its apparently all about the leveling experience, despite never mentioning it.

I think your fundamental misunderstanding is that the game is no longer designed with the idea that you should do everything (if it ever was).

The players are diverse and like different things. Some folks don’t want to do quests at all; others complain there aren’t enough quests and they run out after the first week of aj expansion.

You don’t need to do all of it. Pick the things you like.

The game is already streamlined for new characters: Exile’s Reach > Kul Tiras/Zandalar (depending on faction) > Dragon Isles. The linear path you requested is marked with shield quests.

The rest of the old content is not removed (and they better never remove it; removing the pre-Cataclysm world was a massive mistake), but it’s all optional and you have to see it out. All of those “too many timelines” are completely optional. You do them if you want to at your own pace.

This thread seems full of exaggeration. Yeah, the game isn’t perfect. But it’s not so fundamentally broken that we need to axe all the old content.

You seem like the type of dude who get mad at the weatherman for saying it’s gonna be sunny because you go outside at night.

They’ve been talked about enough. If you cared, you could put in the effort to do some research. You don’t care, you just want to waste the time of other people. So yeah, we’re not doing this.

Alright Einsten, you’re not going to start playing silly games or try to fool me. You’re for fact made fun of OP and some people saying they’d be best of to classic for find a difficulty with WoW retail.

You’re hyperbole’ing the situation and just make use of this topic and people to troll and annoy others. If you’re not aware of the game state, that’s a you problem, but don’t come piss off other people for no reason because you’re bored and decided to waste money on your throwaway account because going outside is too hard for you.

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Ok. I disagree.

I think LFR is great for the game, and as such. You may not question my opinion, only accept it as fact.

You’re not very good at reading, eh bud?

You’re not good at being a person, eh bud?

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I’m sorry that you’re trying to respond to an argument that op didn’t make.

Furthermore, I’m sorry that pointing this out put you straight on the gigatilt.

Let’s make a deal-- I’ll go watch some Hallmark movies and work on being a better person, if you go work on your hooked on phonics workbooks and brush up on that third grade reading level.

You should go touch grass, how about that?

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Guild chat isn’t on discord. Guild achievements aren’t on discord. And my guild has existed since Vanilla— way before discord.

Guilds are in game. Discord is not.

Man, you’re amusingly fragile.

Omw outside let’s circle back later and see if you actually read that op?

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Good, me too. I need a :smoking:


They remove the wrong things though.

Take Legion for example, one of the best expansions. By removing the weapon powerup mechanic it ruins the entire expansion. There isn’t even any point in playing it now. That sucks for those who enjoyed it enough to play it again on a new alt and especially for brand new players.

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On the one hand, you’re saying that they should NEVER remove the content from Cataclysm to Shadowlands. On the other hand, you are saying most players literally skip all of it and it’s unnecessary and only in the game for the 1% of players who actually read the quest text and care about what happened 5 expansions ago. So why is it in the game still? Just to confuse new players? Imagine you buy Dragonflight because you like the dragons and you want to fly on the dragons, yet you get dropped into a different game from 14 years ago and it just says “Good luck, you’re on your own!” Or you can do tutorial island and have no idea where you are or what is going on, outside of looking up a 3 hour lore recap.