Simplify The Game

Oh the irony…

Kind of like how you ignore my point and try to twist it?

Ok, carry on Sendryn. Keep engaging with this poster. Its a great use of your time :smiley:

I think simplifying the game and forcing the simplification on everyone is equally bad as complexifying it and forcing the complexification on everyone. I think what people should be asking for is more viable passive options. For example, I don’t want cooldowns that people enjoy to be removed, I want them to get competitive passive alternatives like benevolence provides for power word: life on priests. For resto druids, a good example is verdant infusion instead of flourish. That way, people who like the spell can take it, and people who don’t want it can be fine without it.

I also think there should be a competitive alternative to adaptive swarm even though I personally don’t want to use the spell. But other rdruids like it so why should they have that removed from them? I’d just add a choice node that increases the effectiveness of all periodic effects by 5% and then keep rebalancing that as more data comes in. I think there should be better talent balancing in general.

Don’t you have a million side quests to be doing right now?

But you keep doing the same and keep bumping the thread and somehow it’s okay if you do it but we’re somehow wrong for doing it?

I don’t get this mentality.

Go back to mobile games.

I’m not here engaging with the troll. I’m engaging with you. I’m telling you you’re wasting your time.

Your A-B conversation is with a bad player who’s trolling.

Mine is between you and me telling you to stop feeding them.

If you don’t understand the difference between the two, well, the fact you’re here engaging with the troll is starting to make a lot more sense.

At any rate, have fun!!

I’m just getting really tired of troll threads getting all this attention in GD. What a cess pool lmfao.

Go back to Retail. And just for good measure when the next expansion comes out, go back to Dragonflight.

They design a game full of complexity because that’s more interesting to develop than a simpler one. This dovetails in with their desire to provide content to people who enjoy and thrive on complexity. These are the players whose feedback they listen to.

I tried to tell him that he has his version he enjoys, which is good… and we have our version we enjoy, which is good… and got called “hostile.”


You were.

Bumping the thread.

And what are you doing?

Why do you get to tell me what to do, while you’re in here doing the same as you claim the OP is doing: trolling, bumping the thread, etc?

I mean… I get that… but this wasn’t the way to approach it or me.

We are in retail, honey.

Honestly? Bet. Gonna go buy some meats to smoke for the holiday tomorrow. Maybe some other stuff to smoke. And some beer.

Y’all have a good time here. Happy Memorial Day, y’all.


Beer we has. Smoking or grilling we can’t do, because stupid storms and tornados.


Right, I’ve had so much fun playing the game and pushing some m+ rating and within minutes of coming into GD, I see my thread got taken down, someone else’s did and theirs was also positive, while threads like these get so much attention and it’s just a bunch of people angry at each other.

GD is ridiculous lmao


The game is so complex at this point that you need a class guide, a premade talent build, dungeon guides, raid guides, about 20 combat addons, and a 3 hour TL:DR on lore recap just to figure out the basics of what is supposed to be going on. And that’s before you even log in.

It’s really not that difficult. Lmao

The Formula One thread? They didn’t just move it to Off Topic? That’s dumb.

Try playing cata on a competent level without a class guide/raid or dungeon guide. It’s not happening.

No you don’t. Source: my guildies who don’t do or have any of that stuff.

Ack, that sucks. My family back in Texas dodged some bullets in Denton this week. Hope you guys are staying safe. For those of us who can’t make it though, we’re doing an online game jam next weekend! Always fun with beer.

That’s putting it lightly. Sucks to hear your threads got closed :<

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