Simplify The Game

How about touch grass?

You mean I shouldn’t be gearing and practicing my Druid if I want to see improvements?


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I think anyone who unironically uses the phrase “touch grass” ironically does in fact need to see the sunlight

I touch grass everyday.

I’m sorry you’re Asmon level bad :joy:

You don’t need an MMO for that. That’s called work.

Well, if youre not willing to put the time in, why bother?

Well, tried to engage with OP about the topic.

OP seemed hostile to discussion.

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Because I want to enjoy the end game. I don’t want to have to watch paint dry for 60 hours before I have fun.

That’s because OP is bad at the game, knows they’re bad at the game, and wants the game to change to suit their badness

Honestly if yall would just respond to these troll threads “you’re bad get good”, I think the trolls might not have as much fun

Sounds like a you issue. Honestly. Dont like it? OK. Dont play it. Dont expect the game to change for you.

I dont like dragonriding. I went out of my way to get pathfinder so i didnt have to.

You claimed the following:

Yet you are the one shutting down others for their opinions.

Also: YOU are the one who brought up Classic. Not me. YOU made the comparison in your OP.

Nowhere was Akston angry at you. Nor was I.

Nowhere did Akston insult you. Nor have I.

That’s all you’ve been doing your entire thread: trolling others and acting like a victim.

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It sounds to me that you just don’t really like the more narrative/world-buildy stuff. If you’re looking at it just as small tasks for minute rewards, then yeah, it’s not going to be fulfilling if that’s what you’re after. Some people find having those achievements fun whether they like collecting things or seeing what flavor the world has from the micronarratives the quests offer, and if you don’t find it fun, there’s always other places to find it in game.

Is it just the current season stuff that just seems like it’s too much for you? Because if this is your goal,

then I don’t really think anything needs to be adjusted. The current season feels pretty straight forward - it’s just older content I feel needs a re-examination.

Oh you don’t like this one part of the game? Sounds like a you issue. Maybe Classic would be more to your liking? Sorry you hate Dragonflight, the expansion pack built around dragon riding. Let the rest of us who like dragon riding enjoy it.

That’s exactly why a lot of people play it though.

I’m here for the content. If there were no content, I would not be here.

It is also reasonable to assume that this story applies to others.

Speaking of stories, tell me, would you go down to your local library and ask them to throw out two thirds of their books as being unnecessary because you will never get around to reading them?

Do you get outraged when your Netflix catalogue expands each month, or do you rejoice in glee when series are cycles out?

Have I given enough examples to demonstrate how stupid you are?

Can I ask you.

It’s obvious this person is trolling. Like from the OP, it’s obvious.

They’ve continued to prove they’re trolling by the many responses.

Yet you continue to engage them as if they’re posting in good faith.

The question I have for you is - what are you doing?

Calling out their behavior in defense of myself and Akston because I feel like it.

You’re in here, consistently calling it a troll thread. You continue to engage in the thread. So the same question applies to you.

If you think that this is a troll thread, why do you keep replying? Is it just for attention or what? I started the thread in good faith wanting to have a legitimate discussion about how Retail could be improved, but since asking a simple question is enough to press your berserker button, it seems like pushing your buttons is the only thing left to do.

Because there’s a fundamental difference between calling the troll a troll vs engaging with a troll as if they weren’t a troll. Y’all bumping this thread and it’s a genuine waste of space.

If you’d just acknowledge it and be done with it, I wouldn’t ever be here

Think you’re gonna convince a bad player who wants to “simplify the game” they’re wrong? Never gonna happen. Let them be bad and drown in their misery. Hopefully they’ll uninstall.

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Nice deflection and ignoring the point of my post to try to twist it to your point. But F for failure.

Yet here you are, calling me bad, an idiot, telling me to uninstall for asking a simple question. Who’s the real troll in this scenario?