Simplify The Game

Do you have anything better to do today than be angry at strangers on the internet?


Please do not shut down discussion.

I want to discuss retail with you.


No thanks, I don’t have discussions with people who are insulting. Why would I do that?



I gave you the chance, by putting aside my belief you were just here trolling.

I responded to your statement, because you wanted discussion.

Since then, you have shut down all discussion.


One thing I find interesting in getting older is seeing how it affects people around me in different ways.

A thing I think is particularly fascinating is how some people, when they reach a certain age, more or less turn their brains off and seem unwilling or unable to learn new things.

I see it more and more in WoW players who keep pining for a return to simpler times. The base game is as simple as it ever was, you just stopped keeping up. Why is it you were able to adapt to the changes over the course of the early expansions, but now it is too much?

Some people say apathy is death, but I believe it is stagnation. The game is as popular as it is for as long as it has been because it tried its best to keep up with changing times even if there were some missteps along the way. Don’t stagnate as a person either. Keep learning and growing along side the changing world around you.

I gave you a chance to not be a troll but here you are again trolling. :crazy_face:


Would you like to give any response to what constitutes a ton of quests?

Or why you feel you need to keep up with every NPC’s name?

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Are you going to answer my question about why you are so defensive?

Where did you ask me that?

I could try to explain it to you a 3rd time, or you could simply answer the question.

I just want you to quote yourself where you first asked the question

While I do think the new player experience needs some major reworks, I don’t think we need to be cutting content or minimizing the number of stories, collectables, dungeons, factions, or quests. That’s all additional content, and even if you’re coming on board now, that’s still stuff to do.

What I DO think WoW needs is a more solid narrative throughline for new players to follow (hoping we see that with TWW) and more universal dungeon mechanic telegraphs. A lot of the problems you encounter with new players entering dungeons, be they old or new, is being able to figure out how to respond to a boss’s mechanics properly without error.

It’s always annoyed me how there’s been almost no consistency on things you stand in or soak, or where your team should be properly positioned in regards to directional attacks and the like. Sure, ultimately it’s not THAT hard to figure out if you do a test pull, but the expectation nowadays seems to be that if you queue up for a dungeon, you better no all the mechanics.

I’m of the mind that the contextual clues on how to beat a fight should be something you can figure out without having to consult a guide, addon, or dungeon journal. Having more universal markers like GW2 and FF14 would be a major boon for newbies where applicable.

I see you are a person of taste, a fellow VLDL fan.


Why is that necessary?

Honestly if y’all spent 25% as much time just playing the game as you do complaining about it, you might actually enjoy playing the game

Lets start over and keep the discussion on topic. And start with your first point.

What do you feel is too many quests? Can you give a specific area?

Are you referring to every single quest in the game? Just the current expansion quests?

What is the alternative?

You know what else is stuff to do? Running on a treadmill. Filing taxes. Sitting in traffic. Just because there is something to do doesn’t mean it is fun stuff to do. I don’t want to spend half an expansion picking daisies for Matilda, I want to power up my dude and go fight in an epic battle.




How about get good?

That is figuratively the definition of an MMO.