Simplify The Game

The way I look at it there are lots of choices. I just ignore the stuff that doesn’t interest me and do those things I like doing.


Where was OP hostile in opening post?

(I really don’t see it)


If you don’t like it, you can reply to a different thread.

I think it would be good to keep the basics but minimize other things. A good example (imo) is currency. There is a lot of it.

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This statement is hostile.

“If you know whats going on, you have spent 10 years in a basement reading comics”

What other information is that statement supposed to relay?

Or I can point out you being a hypocrite. Which is also fun.


Ok, well if you can be insulting and critique things that you don’t like, then I can also be insulting and critique things that I don’t like.

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Well…I just shrug it off. I think he was just using if for emphases… that’s how I took it anyway, hah.


Well Depends For SURE, Here’s What i Got
Having 50k/70k Hp as a tank is way more great than 3 million HP demonhunter
Why is that?

  • IF you add Stamina gem to your 3 million HP demonhunter, you won’t even notice it, its just there
  • But If you add it on 50k HP demonhunter, You can notice that you got extra 1K hp
    Much like DPS , You max strength gems and you notice
  • Meanwhile on retail, gems doesn’t even matter or food, unless you’re going to minmax 0,1% M+ Title

Thats fine.

But you complained when others were. Which was my point.

If you want actual discussion, you dont start off by insulting everyone else. And then complain when its returned.

Thats fine. It was still an insulting post, where the OP then turned around and complained about people being mean to him.

When you start off insulting, you will put people on the defensive. You just arent there to engage honestly.

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I’m not complaining about people being insulting. I asked why are you guys so hostile to discussion? As in you don’t want discussion about the game to happen, you just want to immediately shut it down.

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Simplify The Game

hard ‘no’ on that.
the game has been dumbed down enough for god sake.
If I can handle it, a blind 6 year old can do it, lol

Probably because you started off by insulting everyone.

I dont typically go

“Hey, this guy that just insulted me? I should sit down and have rational conversation with him, because he has shown to be coming to this discussion honestly and wants to sincerely exchange view points”

I dont know about the hostile part in this thread.
I DO know this game is TOO simple already.
if it gets any simpler Im going to have to go over to ESO and play that instead, lol

… I’m confused. Where exactly what I hostile whatsoever?



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Once again, I’m not complaining about people being insulting. I’m asking why are you so quick to want to shut down the conversation?

Hold up.

So you’re allowed to give your opinion… but we aren’t allowed to reply with ours, because it’s not yours? And you trying to shut down those opinions is… what exactly?

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Once again.

I am saying that because of your poor attitude, it put people on the defensive.

Why do I want to discuss something with someone that just insulted me off the rip?

You dont seem to want people to have an opinion unless it agrees with you.

I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?

I never said that. I wanted to talk about Retail and you immediately derailed to Classic.

Okay, we are all horde here. We thrive off of insults and redirect that back towards gnomes.


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I did.

Anyways. Lets pretend you want discussion.

What constitutes too many quests?

But retail, say dragonflight…there are far less factions to track than classic of any stage.

what does this even mean? what are you referring to?


classic had a ton of talent options

yes, that happens in a game that lasts a while. but you dont ever have to remember them all. retail focuses on 8 at a time.

…what? you are keeping up with all the named npcs? why?

Retail has one main storyline. compared to vanilla and tbc which had many?

…what. this is also something you control.

just because they exist doesnt mean you have to use them.

You seem to be exaggerating it, to intentionally overthink it. While not being honest about what retail is vs what classic is.

You brought up cata classic before retail.

You brought up classic, then complained someone wanted to talk about what you brought up.