Silvermoon of Quel'Thalas and the holy city of Stratholme

She’d feel like a Mary-Sue forced-insert if she budded Halduron out the way to become Ranger General too.


There’s nothing stopping the story from keeping Varessa as Ranger General of the Silver Convenant, Alleria for the Void Elves and Halduron for the blood elves

Nobody has to steal or take the title from anyone else. All three lead three seperate elven groups and it should largely stay that way


You know well that if there is an elven union, there will probably be an elven council.
The leaders of this elven council will not only be blood elves.

There’s already an Elven council :slight_smile:

Alleria and Vereesa can pledge allegiance to work under them, as secondary leaders to their kingdom. :blush:

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This is the TBC Elven Council.

I’m talking about the Midnight Elven Council which will certainly be different.:blush:

(Especially if a blood elf leader dies early at Midnight.)

Yes, the Elven council that has existed since TBC …
It’s still the Council today, that hasn’t changed. :slight_smile:

The Midnight Elven Council will still be them.
What you’re insisting is a desire for that to change WITHIN Midnight, not coming to it.

But again, it is a desire.
Not canon. :blush:

I know these things can be confusing for you High Elf wannabes, but that’s the truth of the situation. :person_shrugging:

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You know that at Midnight everything will change for the blood elves…:man_shrugging:

You know at Midnight everything will change for you High Elf wannabes … :person_shrugging:

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And also for void elves.:man_shrugging:
Maybe the darkfallen too. Sylvanas’s return to Quel’Thalas !?!

Everything will change for the Blood Elves the most though …

When they’re standing high & proud as the prominent leaders of the rest of their kin
:muscle: :triumph:


Distinct feeling people are going to be disappointed with how it actually turns out


Midnight will not be a 100% blood elf expansion (elven union).

Quel’Thalas will also be different, maybe there will be void everywhere.:scream:

They wouldn’t really need to do that in the first place. Blood Elf zones aren’t part of the EK map, they’re on the Outland map. My money is they build an entirely new Silvermoon and plop it down on the EK map, leaving the original untouched and accessed via the Silvermoon portals.

Yeah, the whole “Horde leader goes crazy or mind-controlled into being a raid boss” is a tired, old hat I’m fed up with. I’d probably sit out the rest of the World Soul Saga much like I sat out the BFA > SL arc if that happened.


Honestly I wonder if and how they’re ever going to revisit Azeroth proper. I’m a RPer so I’m at old content a lot and I can tell you dragon riding has made the continents seem outright puny in scale. You can soar across whole regions in minutes flat.

I’m sure to compensate for this the reimagined Quel’Thalas is going to be huge. But it’s already it’s own instance cut off from the traditional world map. If they do revisit Azeroth I wonder if they’ll cut it up piecemeal. They’d have to do that or either A. Remake everything or B. Have a hilariously small map.


You’re not wrong :joy:

Well no expansion is exactly “100%” an anything expansion.

You keep arguing ‘Elven union’ like it automatically means everything’s going to be dished out equally like a military food service, save-except your favourites like Vereesa and Alleria who you herald as generals & get more. lol

In actuality, I’m sure things aren’t obviously going to turn out the way I’d like them to, sure — but I certainly doubt they’re going to turn out the way you’d like them to either. :person_shrugging:


The plot is about Alleria. I wouldn’t be surprised if “Elven unity” resolves around Alleria rejoining that Blood Elves. Hard to predict what that would mean. Too many ways they could handle it.

[And no, moving the Blood Elves to Alliance would not be one of them.]


I’d much rather the plot NOT be about Alleria, if I’m being honest :face_exhaling:

Alleria and the Void Elves are already vultures to the Blood Elven lore, giving her validation & affirmations on doing-so further would just feel like the writing is yeeting all Blood Elf story potential & moments of awe — Simply to cater to the Alliance crowd, by sloppily diarrheaing all over the Belf + Horde crowd, lol

… Additionally, I personally feel it’d be far better for a PRIEST hero or few to be the one(s) to primarily take out Xal’atath in the end; rather than a hunter hero :unamused:


I think I kinda agree.

But you have to be realistic about these things.

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I think the realistic thing is stating that Alleria solely taking up majority of the spotlight, epic scenes & awe-appeal cinematics along with crucial story points is:

  • Lazy,
  • Poor writing
  • and caters to one crowd whilst $#!%!ng on the rest … again.

My hopes are they’ll give the Horde — especially the blood elves & their prime characters, more spotlight when Midnight arrives – in correlation to the spotlight Alliance characters & races have got over the pass few expansions.

Although I’d argue I am realistic about this things :person_shrugging:

Which is why I said to the Alliance simp earlier:

I just hope they can compromise better and give the Horde some heroism scenes and for once actually uplift some more heroes for them.

:face_exhaling: Because at the moment the Horde’s roster is severely lacking – Especially in comparison to the Alliance’s hero roster AND both their significance & presence in the story.


It would be unreasonable not to make room for the ren’dorei and the Windrunners (as much as I personally loathe all of the human thirsty sisters at this point) in Midnight. The question is will they do it without cannibalizing Horde themes or characters? Trouble is, I’ve got about three expansions worth of reasons to be worried.