Playing a part sure, but you’ll see enormous masses of Horde players and those who are passionate about the Blood Elves storyline — Worried that the Ren’dorei + Windrunners are going to take up all the best parts of the story, be the key star-heroes and ultimate saviors of the day, whilst the Blood Elves probably get humbled and maybe even shamed on …
Void Elves whole existence already did that as it is.
The Blood Elves use to be the kingpin elves of ‘Taboo magic’ — and now they don’t even hold that status. The Alliance hold that crown by leagues, with:
- The Void Elves
- The Dark Iron Dwarves
- Alliance-aligned Forsaken (Darkfallen)
- and even the Man’ari …
Whenever the Horde playerbase got irritated about the Alliance holding all the fame & glory in the ‘Light’ category — Alliance players would always retaliate that the Horde held their own top status in the ‘Shadow’ or ‘Void’ category, but that’s clearly not the case anymore … The Alliance own both.
The Horde is PATHETIC with both light & void powerscale and knowledge in comparison to what the Alliance hold.
As for magic?
The argument that the Horde hold that category thanks to the Nightborne + Blood Elves is retarded.
- Human potential takes a squat and squeezes out a rotten festering dump in both the Nightborne and the Blood Elves mouths for them to chew up — and swallow.
Because they’re always seemingly outmatched equally or surpassed by the humans – not to mention that given the Alliance have both the Silver Covenant + Void Elves on their side, they can hardly use the Blood Elves as a principle to the argument either.
My overall point for mentioning all of this, is that making Silvermoon and Quel’Thalas officially neutral and equally as much the Alliance’s as it is the Horde’s — would just further that divide.
Along with what I said earlier too:
Because the Horde need more characters to hold moments of grandeur & story relevance … Making everything ‘Thrall’ – isn’t going to cut it.