This thread is to discuss the lore features of what each city should hold towards lore, in regard to another thread I made upon the General Discussion forums
For the holy city of Stratholme
It’d be cool to see:
- The Chapel of the Silverhand
- The Chapel of the Argent Crusade
- Perhaps one standing between the two as a unified front (with some banter questlines of friendly competition & quests between the two).
- A sanctum for the friendly spirit denizens that still yet remained in the city, despite it being purified — of which the Argent Crusade & Silverhand have managed to coexist with and even worked side-by-side to help restore the city (and another reputation for players to have)
- A portion of the city that remains charred or slightly ruined – a remnant of its grim history, perhaps with an underkeep that leads to chambers which goes deep until it reaches a stone door guarded by Paladins who indicate they’ve yet to purify the darkness that goes beyond …
For Silvermoon of Quel’Thalas
I’d love to see:
- Runestones within the city itself, rather than just the border — as a bonus barrier should a threat somehow breach pass the others; learning a lesson from the past and having placed them as a contingency & addition safeguard to their prosperity.
- Beacons, conduits or vessels of the Sunwell’s power for the elves to channel its glory & wondrous benefits.
- Light-Infused Trees — Trees imbued with the power of the Sunwell
- A few Suramar Trees — as a token of Lor’themar & Thalyssra’s relationship
- ‘The Phoenix Tree’ — Perhaps a light-infused tree far GREATER than the others; similarly akin to a small world tree, born from a prime monarch seed of Thas’alah (The Mother Tree) which could perhaps be noted to have been saved & safeguarded from the very heart of Thas’alah before it was cruelly cutdown by Arthas and his Scourge forces, who ultimately had Deatholme mockingly erected upon its withered roots.
- Blood Golems & Arcane golems – Both the original models (with updated graphics of cause) and the ones of which designs were seized by the Sin’dorei from the Throne of Thunder — of various colour varieties on the nature of the magics that fuel them.
That’s what I can come up with simply from the top of my head, but I thought I’d ask the forums at what lore-references, easter eggs and other story-relevant subjects would you like to see in each city?
In accordance to the above What would YOU love to see in each city?