Silvermoon of Quel'Thalas and the holy city of Stratholme

I really hope they don’t try brush it under the rug so lazily. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

  • At least with the revival of the Zul’Aman incursions with the reinforcements of the Zandalari under Zul — You had Vereesa & the Silver Covenant invited by Halduron Brightwing (Albeit this was all prior to the purge) – under strict conditions for the defence of their kingdom; of which they would be required to leave at once when the place of their heritage was once more secured.

It’s rather EXHAUSTING and sickening for the Horde players to consistently have their past crimes brought up and be virtue signalled for it — and then the Alliance simply & consistently get a free hall-pass or retconned situation towards justifying their actions :clap: ALL :clap: the :clap: damn :clap: time!

So yeah, I seriously — SERIOUSLY hope they address the void elves in some manner, but also address the Purge of Dalaran, without justifying the Silver Covenant and brushing it aside or making the Sunreavers & Blood Elves be the apologists. :face_exhaling:

Was never stolen to begin with :slight_smile:

As despite them changing allegiances, it belongs to the majority of their kingdom’s people – Just like it always has :blush:


And with how lore seems to be going it might change allegiences again and be neutral. Then no theft would have occured. :smiley:

Ultimately, if Alliance cities can end up neutral, like Dalaran, so can Horde ones. Heck, I am pretty sure if this happens, future Alliance cities, like a certain planned draenei capital, might turn neutral as well.

:thinking: Hmm … :unamused: Well I’ll give it to ya — You somewhat got me there. :person_shrugging:

If the leaders of Silvermoon all decided to make the city neutral of their own decision & free will, then yes it wouldn’t be quite “stealing” perse.


If they portray it in such a way where they usurp or challenge the current leaders with Vereesa & Alleria holding just-as-equal leadership, it would be absolutely terrible & feel just as equivalent to stealing.

The blood elves will need the alliance to protect Quel’Thalas… so the iconic elves of the alliance will probably all be there (Alleria, Vereesa, Umbric, Arator, Auric…). Alleria is a heroine of Quel’Thalas (Lor’Themar said it), if she becomes the leader of the elven union, I won’t be surprised.

I for one cannot wait to see how Blizzard has solved bigotry and racism.

What’s a little ethnic cleansing between friends?


No, they won’t?
The Alliance is no stronger than the Horde is.
Citation: Book that came out after BFA ended.


The alliance has void and light specialists.

Midnight = void vs light

The Alliance will need Quel’Thalas to protect Azeroth*

… And again, whether or not Quel’Thalas requires the aid of the Alliance — that hardly justifies for handing over the keys to their kingdom in equal-standing with them.

  • If Thrall said back in Cataclysm: “The world needs me. Stormwind will need Thrall to protect Elwynn Forest by extension of Azeroth; so they shall give me equal leadership.” — He’d be dubbed as a selfish PoS. lol

So yeah no, it’s incredibly silly to suggest that just because the Alliance are there to help – That they get partial ownership of the kingdom & city.

That’s dumb. :roll_eyes:

I would be surprised – Surprised at the shear ineptitude of writing. It would also surprise most others too – especially those amongst the Blood Elf playerbase, because of its raw stupidity.

Quel’Thalas has a few heroes, her being one of them hardly makes her fitting to become the sudden leader of the whole Elven union above all the rest.


So does the Horde.
The Blood Elves themselves are the Light specialists.
And their bffs with a portal directly to Silvermoon City are the void specialists.


To be fair, my response would’ve been The humans are doing a terrible job at protecting their own boarders. Give the man a chance. :dracthyr_heart:

I suppose what I should have said was that both factions will still continue to exist. Even if it’s just in a symbolic sort of way, as a nod towards the games origins. But I suspect we won’t be seeing much Horde vs Alliance storylines as the main focus going forward.Seem to be regulating it too background material like it was in Vanilla.

It seems to me that WoW is going to go the route that The Old Republic did. In that both factions will still exist, but we’ll be getting more stories of them working together rather than fighting one another

Quel’Thalas is the Kingdom of all Thalassian Elves (BE, HE, VE…) because they are all Elves of Quel’Thalas, they are politically separated but they are the same people.

The situation is complex but I have the impression that this people will finally be united at Midnight.

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Turalyon and the Lightforged Draenei.
Alleria and the Void Elves.


Sweet, so by that logic — NOTHING needs to change then :grin:
Alleria and Vereesa can pledge allegience to their kingdom’s true official leaders:

  • Reagent Lord Lor’themar Theron
  • Grand Magister Rommath
  • and the Ranger-General of Quel’Thalas Halduron Brightwing

Those that remain titled ‘High Elves’ can finally unify under them and accept the legacy of honouring their people – Proclaiming themselves as ‘Blood Elves’ :fist: Once and for all.

Like you said, the situation is complex but :person_shrugging: They’ll make due …


Yeah, Silvermoon will be neutral to welcome all the children of Quel’Thalas.:heart_hands:

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I mean, if they can accept that the kingdom has its allegiances majorly to the Horde and all the re-welcomed elves there honour the current leadership as the first foremost highest figureheads before the rest? …

Sure, that’d be fine. :slight_smile:

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Alleria is the Ranger General (TWW).:blush:

No, she’s not :slight_smile:
She’s a ranger, but not the ranger-general.
Halduron Brightwing is the Ranger-General of Quel’Thalas (TWW) :blush:


Halduron and Vereesa will certainly accept that this title be given to Alleria at Midnight.
She can unite all elves because she is an iconic heroine of Quel’Thalas and she is the only elf who can actually fight Xal’atath without being mind controlled.

No he wouldn’t.

That’s headcanon - at best.

Halduron has had the title held in Quel’Thalas longer than Alleria has at this point in time – and was presented the title for proving himself in the war against the Scourge; he even saved narrowly saved Lor’themar’s life — Later after Sylvanas’ fall & the third war, he was chosen by the Farstriders themselves to be the new Ranger General, as he had more than proved his capabilities, honour and dedication to the kingdom. :dracthyr_nod:

Part of towards why I’d like to see him get more credit & made thread regarding him the past:

So :clap: As I stated …

Halduron Brightwing is the Ranger General of Quel’Thalas :grin:


Alleria was at ONE POINT, a long time ago, picked to be Ranger General, but she gave up the position. I doubt she would want it now, after all this time.

Alleria I suspect would be the one Windrunner who would respect the wishes of the Farstriders