So… Thinking back to the start of this thread, One thing I would be very disappointed in Blizzard if they did not do with Silvermoon is put in a memorial for Anasterian at least the same scale as Lion’s Rest. He is seen as one of the greatest heroes in Quel’dorei history, and gave his life in the face of certain defeat just like Varian did.
They could even use the Canticle of Sacrifice again as it was written in Thalassian for some strange reason and its lyrics fit Anasterian very well as well—Though, likely redone to feel properly elvish.
I suppose they could at least argue with so much damage to the kingdom, at the time they couldn’t spare resources to erect such a site at the time & needed to focus on repairs — Even suggest that such actions is what Anastarian would had wanted for Quel’Thalas
It’s a shame that there was such little Forsaken & Blood Elf closure @ the fall of Arthas, save except the vial to Sylvanas (which is still pretty minimal) given the extent of damage he did to the both of their people — was particularly hoping at the time, we’d see the soul of Anasterian; but we only saw human potential involvement at the end sadly.
That being said, it’d be good to see a large statue & site honouring Anasterian with the repairs of Quel’Thalas when it’s updated in ‘Midnight’
Such would be a good addition I hadn’t put in the thread, which would be ideal and worthy for the lore & significance towards Silvermoon
I remember when Midnight was first revealed I was hoping that Dalaran would’ve been the Alliance’s capital for the expansion. Park it off the coast somewhere. Leave Silvermoon for the Horde.
Unfortunately, Blizzard went and blew up Dalaran, so that option is out. What a shame though… Dalaran coming to Quel’Thalas’ aid would’ve made so much sense, and it would’ve meant not so much as a single inch of Thalassian soil being used/taken/settled by the Alliance.
At this point, we may as well hope/pray the Alliance takes Windrunner Spire for their base, because the alternative IS a neutral Silvermoon.
I personally think using a seed of Thas’alah ( Heart of the forest) instead of phoenix tree it should be a word that mean’s Light of the forest to signify holy magic now mixed in with the sunwell. Thas’alah also was imbued with nature magic so it would be a mix of arcane/ nature and holy now. Light of the Forest would make alot of sense and keep’s its old namesake. To me personally
Depending on how they stretch the map as they scale it, they could keep Shalandis Isle right up near the spire, and then combine the spire, its village, and the isle in a sort of Alliance Hub for both Alliance flavor of elves.
Though, part of me feels they might take the easier route if they use Silvermoon as a HQ and just give me a debuff that says I am being watched and have all the NPCS be uncomfortably unfriendly the entire time.
That monument to the night elf genocider added to Windrunner Spire in BfA might make it a bit of an uncomfortable hub for about half of them. Not that a year or so in the sunniest and gaudiest city on Azeroth, founded specifically to spite night elf civilization, promises them a much better time.
That’s hardly a “city” in the same sense and you know it.
I meant a city-city, like Dornogal or ultimately the concept of what we had in BFA — Where each faction got a new city (Alliance – Kul’Tiras / Horde – Zuldazzar).
The only difference is, the recommendation I made, where each city could be visited by the opposing faction once a renown or questline (or both) is accomplished
They meant the Bel’ameth (Amirdrassil) treatment:
The Horde had helped both the Alliance & the Night Elves in the Emerald Dream against the various forces aligned with Fyrakk and when the Night Elves got their city ‘awakened’ from the Emerald Dream in Azeroth – The Horde were given a ‘DEBUFF’ which was called - Eyes of the Sentinels:“Seen and unseen eyes alike are watching your every move!”
Naturally, the Horde were also unable to use the portals there too.
It’s to be the lore indication that:
Despite them allowing the Horde to visit in correlation to their contributions – They were still distrusted and the area itself was still Night Elven and Alliance territory.
So Ultimately:
Kaileath was indicating the same ordeal to be produced for Silvermoon, where the Alliance can come about & walk amongst Quel’Thalas — Yet have a debuff that indicates that they too, are ultimately distrusted; along with being unable to use their portals etc — and that the city, whilst allowing both factions to be there: Is still a Blood Elf city, and a Horde area.
The Bel’ameth treatment would be far more awkward because with Bel’ameth you really never needed to think about it again Horde side once you did the little completion quest chain that also marked the end of the expansion.
Silvermoon would be an entire expansion of the expansion’s major city glowering at team blue if they went that way.
To be as equally presented as an Alliance city as it is a Horde city under the guise of ‘neutral’ for the sake of the Alliance – from the start? That would just be raw stupid writing.
Which is why I had presented a compromise, discussed in the linked-thread:
Not to mention, some who chose exile rather than honouring their kin – Such as the Silver Covenant, even so much as directly opposed their kin that embraced the namesake of ‘Blood Elves’ and in that opposition resorted to murdering their people with impunity & quite often even glee.
Presenting those Silver Covenant butchers, especially after the Purge of Dalaran – Welcomingly into Silvermoon from the get-go, would be a HUGE spit in the face — or a hot sludge diarrhea-buckshot directly to the mouth, of an insult to the Blood Elves.
Dalaran wasn’t an Alliance city in World of Warcraft.
In ‘Warcraft’ perhaps but not WoW.
Yes, much to the Silver Covenants discontent — and outright disagreement & protest.
They literally argued against the Sunreavers and by extension the Horde from being allowed sanctuary within Dalaran once again … which is why it’d be stupid for the Blood Elves to turn around & welcome them into their city so easily, after they themselves were rejected and directly pushed against vehemently, for so long.
If your problem is only the Silver Covenant, that won’t be what stops Silvermoon from being the neutral capital of Midnight. There will be other elven groups that will join the elven union especially neutral elven groups.