Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

High Elves already canonically visit the Sunwell to feed on it.

But you Void Elves can stay out tbh.


For now .

Soon they will be blonde too.

What eye color will you choose? :blush:

Let’s compromise OP and just blow up Silvermoon :smiley:

(Commentary): No. Silvermoon and Quel’Thalas belongs to the Blood Elves, and ONLY the Blood Elves. High Elves and Void Elves can use Dalaran.

After Shadowlands… Given there hinted time skip after return Shadowlands, we can expect the world of Azeroth would’ve changed for alliance and horde returning from the shadowlands. I think all problem characters are placed in shadowlands, so I guess we be like be like Captain America in WoW. I can imagine our character would be treated as a normal adventurer by the masses. The NPC who remember us would treat us like an old friend returning after going missing for some years like Turaylon and Alleria. I can already picture some tavern bards singing songs about our deeds like a legend.

I would also point out that NO the Alliance doesn’t have Blood Elves. They have Void elves who were ejected from Silvermoon. You have blue eyes and light skin, however you still are a void elf.

IF Blizzard decides to add High Elves as an AR that would be fine with me, until then there are no PC high elves as they would have separate /flirts, /jokes, and racial abilities.

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(Commentary): Let’s not start this battle. The forums are so very close to being done with High Elf topics. Can’t we just enjoy what we have, count it as a win, and move on? Do we really need to be so absolutely nit-picky?

I would agree but these idjits will keep whining about some perceived unfairness until the end of time and expect Bliz to keep caving.

(Commentary): At this point, all Blizzard needs to do is announce Void Elf Paladins, a bit of Lore coming to show Void Elves and High Elves joining forces, the ability to toggle the visual effect of Entropic Embrace off, and blond/white hair colors and a handful of Blood Elf hairstyles, and I’m pretty sure that’d be the end of it. Is it a tall order? I don’t think so, but there are already people moving the goalpost to the new hill of, “You don’t have High Elves because they don’t have our hairstyles/colors!”

Look, I’m glad they finally added High Elves to the Alliance and all, they were teasing the poor faction for 12+ years, but Silvermoon is a Horde city, no changing that any time soon.

If Silvermoon went Alliance we’d have to have Exodar go Horde. So Blood Elves would set up shop in the ship, and since Alliance Helves/Velves would be setting up shop in Silvermoon, that’d make the Draenei yet another Alliance refugee race. Which they already are. That’s quite silly: refugee refugees.

I think it’s probably best we don’t go down a path remotely close to this silly.

Already asking for sharing a faction city…what next same flight paths? I am certainly not moving the goal posts by pointing out that they still aren’t high elves, just void elves with skin lightener.

So you basically want BE… no it’s not much to ask :joy::joy:


It has boiled down to Blood Elf envy since TBC


(Commentary): Nah, that’d mean Gold and Green Eyes, Brown Hair, Red Hair, etc… Also Demon Hunters.

Nah, Traitors only deserve an arrow in the eye

Nah, Silvermoon needs to stay a Horde city. The Void/High Elves, whatever, can have Dalaran. Horde has Blood Elves, Nightborne, and Forsaken mages. We shouldn’t have any reason to listen to what a bunch of hummies have to say when it comes to magic.

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Personally the broken half of Silvermoon city should become the new residence for the forsaken.

Well since they are not high elves but instead void elves with different skin tones I say


na the void elves mere presence destabilizes the sun well thats part of why the blood elf members were exiled in the first place