Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Pshhhh… who is the one who was actually banned from visiting?

Along with Silvermoon , VE’s must also be given all the BE exclusive mounts .

There really is no pleasing the helf crowd


I believe that non-void elves from both sides are still allowed pilgrimages to the Sunwell.

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I figured it out. This guy is an alliance spy

I am just an horde whose eyes have been opened .

It’s fair that the alliance elves have Silvermoon as their capital and not a rock … nows that’s just embarrassing .

They have Stormwind with all that human potential. They love being there. Which is why they never came back home to live. They are fine!

I concur, and that’s after the elves take over all of Azeroth.

End of discussion!


I think the gist is that the the alliance helves are now void touched, so they aren’t allowed to make the pilgrimage. But npc silver covenant people still could visit. Make sense for gameplay reasons.

But I would never say no to another renovated neutral city that has gameplay relevance

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No, High Elves will not be coming back to Silvermoon

they’re not welcome here.

The blue eyed Blood Elves are just that, Blood Elves with blue eyes. Either cleansed by the Sunwell or they never turned green to begin with.

The “High Elves” are a bunch of traitors who refused to take on the Blood Elf name and ran back to the Alliance.


They ran back to the Alliance while letting the Blood Elves put in the work of restoring SIlvermoon. We’ll let them take their little pilgrimage. Beyond that, they relinquished their right to Quel’thalas long ago.


No. I am so sick of this flippin’ topic. Silvermoon is a Horde city. You do not get access to it and at the end of the day, the Alliance still is a bunch of void elves.


NO Alliance is not welcome, but I’m sure BE’s LOVE seeing all of you rodents running around. :laughing:

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Naooooooo, Silvermoon for Sin’dorei. :frowning:

BE was a horde race but they just gave it to Alliance and called it VE.

So why not the capital .

As a matter of fact, I went to the silvermoon auction house and had to go through the inn where four blood elf women surrounded me and started calling me kitty and petting me. I was terrified.


Well… I guess there is a exception to every truth. :laughing:

Cool troll thread, be more bitter hordie.

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