Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

We might be having something lost in translation. I conceded I am likely wrong as to the lore-time scale. My argument is that the real-life-time has the bulk of Thallasian elves spending more time Horde aligned than Alliance aligned.

Except the high elves never left the alliance, there were present in vanilla and every single expansion after as a part of the alliance. And at this point its actually starting to seem like the blood elves were not even the majority, considering 90% of silvermoon was wiped out, the remaining 10% became the blood elves… half of those went off with Kael’thas to join the burning legion… meanwhile every other elf that was outside of silvermoon remained a High elf and loyal to the Alliance, which included, Dalaran, Alleria’s soldiers in outland, the elves in stormwind and those in the arathi highlands, all of which probably add up to more than the surviving 5% of silvermoon who renamed to the blood elves, of which some of those defected to become the void elves.


Note the emphasis:

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Silvermoon is an Alliance city. The Horde just occupy it temporarily.

Actually, the blood elves just occupy it temporarily; I doubt the actual Horde cares much about it now that Sylvanas is gone.

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All small number of them did stay with humans. The larger amount that survived Arthas stayed in the city. Overall as a race, their alliance with anyone was based on survival.


Again, I’m not convinced the sin’dorei are the bulk.

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It’s an elf city. The Alliance never had claim to it.


I really wish they would have done a Silvermoon warfront.


no lol no it isn’t. Considering the BEs are the native people to the land. Humans have no right to it. And the VEs left it/were kicked out because them just being there would destroy the city.


Actually, I imagine the Horde cares greatly about it. It’s the only foothold on Eastern Kingdoms we have now.

And yes, it is a Horde city. The Sin’dorei are Horde.


Lorewise they are the bulk. That was the excuse Blizz used for a lot of years to not give the Alliance High Elves. Now they’ve at least compromised a little bit.


The day elves have always been Alliance. Just because a lot of fel worshipping elves happen to have occupied all of the elven lands for over a decade doesn’t change the fact that the small group of elves in the legitimate government in exile led by Alleria are still Alliance.

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Alleria (and subsequently, all void elves) was banished because she went to The Sunwell and caused a disturbance.

The Sunwell is not in Silvermoon City. It’s a decent stretch of water away. She was fine while in Silvermoon proper, and so was the Sunwell.

I feel like Void Elves could be allowed back into Silvermoon to be honest. Perhaps not the Isle of Quel’danas.

There are High Elves that stayed with the Alliance but the bulk of the race preferred to live alone. And only allied with anyone for survival.

by that logic all land belongs to the trolls since they were there first.


I don’t think I can persuade you otherwise, but I’m fairly certain that the majority of Thallasian elves are Blood Elves.

It was a small minority that chose to leave when Kael adopted Fel Magic.
It was an even smaller minority that chose to follow the teachings of the Void Elves.

We are told that these are small groups.
Where in the lore do you have support for a large amounts of Thalasian elves hiding about?

You’re just trying to distract the real horde from throwing out cute fuzzies and pretty races.

All members of the Horde ARE the real Horde.


Yeah, seems they have throwen that out the window though by having more and more high elves show up, being found in outland, part of dalaran, making up numbers in SI:7, the void elves… infact theres several blood elf pilgrams in the void elf rift ready to jump ship. The silver covnant alone seem to be making up enough numbers to be a counter part to the blood elves every time the story needs it.