Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Well maybe because they live in huts right now as refugees while the void elves live on a rock ?

They made their choice. This is the result.

Those Highvale Elves? They want to be in those huts, lul. They could easily just head to Stormwind and make a new life there, just like many other High Elves have. Void Elves don’t like the Horde either, so now that they’re officially allied with the Alliance, I doubt they’d even want to return.

I don’t see how that matters. They’re still traitors, why on God’s green Earth would the Actual High Elves let them in to their city again? The same city they nearly destroyed with their practice of the Void which was outlawed. Look at Aleria as an example, in which her very presence in the Sunwell damn near lost it a 2nd time which is why she’s been officially exiled from ever returning.

And for the other traitor Elves they were legit stirring up trouble when they were on the brink of extinction, their city was in shambles, and the remaining population was desiccating via mana sickness. This is why they’ve also been exiled. Rather than working together to rebuild their society they spat on the graves of those that lost their lives in the Scourge invasion to run back into the arms of the faction that abandoned them.

The Actual High Elves, the Blood Elves, should never relent in putting those traitors to their people down. Any High Elf that is not a Blood Elf lives without honor and as a traitor to their people. They don’t deserve to set foot in Silvermoon or to bask in the radiance of the Sunwell.


Canonically the high elves have been allowed to return to Quel’danas via a portal from Dalaran since the end of BC. I suspect that access to the area immediately outside the Sunwell is limited and that they aren’t permitted to travel to Silvermoon.

I think that making that instanced version of the Sunwell Plateau a permanent fixture would be nice as a starting area of sorts similar to how the Dark Iron get an instanced version of part of Blackrock Depths. But as for Silvermoon itself? It is firmly under the control of the Horde and I would imagine that they wouldn’t take too kindly to the intrusion.

Come get it…


Not that it matters much to you point (if they threw us out they certainly don’t want us back), but we’re not traitors, THEY threw US out. Also by time we started dabbling with the Void the Sunwell wasn’t even in the city of Quel’thalas Silvermoon, it was on the island a few miles away, so I suspect the “Real” reason was cause Rommath was still trying to get the people to use Kael’thas’ Fel-siphoning or Silvermoon was just transitioning from using it and the Void energy studies would have caused a Fel-Void chain reaction of explosions…

Dar’khan is a traitor for instance, he betrayed us all to the Lich King, We on the other hand didn’t join the Alliance until AFTER we were exiled, we no longer had any claims or ties to Silvermoon or the Bloodelves, nor are we even “Blood Elves” by that point, so it’s not betrayal for an unaligned people to pick a loyalty…

Magister Umbric: It was Drathir’s betrayal that allowed Arthas to corrupt the Sunwell… and left our kingdom in ruins. For the first time, I see why Rommath opposes our course of study.

Yeah that almost basically confirms it, seeing as the Sunwell is no longer in Silvermoon I still posit that it was the Fel Rommath was worried about, especially given what all “came to light” about his loyalties to Kael’thas and the Legion…

You realize Rommath turned away from Kael’thas when he realized the extent of his treachery right?

There’s a reason why you can still find Rommath at Lor’themar’s side…

An Alliance carve out in Silvermoon could make interesting lore. And maybe give people a reason to use the city with two AHs. Then again, maybe not. Silvermoon City seems very impersonal and everything feels far apart. But if flying were enabled, who knows.

This will probably never happen. Silvermoon and the Exodar share the same physical space as Outlands.

It would be too big an undertaking for the devs to ever do this for a place an extreme minority of the playerbase visits.

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I think he realized this after the exile though, which would have still left a lot of Fel stuff around. There’s a lot of “fishy” details that don’t add up about Rommath’s claim that the “Sunwell” was why he exiled Umbric, especially in light of the fact that Nether prince Duurzan sent the Void entities which attacked the well in the first place.

It was shown on the arrival of Alleria that the Void only managed to gain access to the Sunwell through conduits of the Void.

Alleria fits that criteria. Anyone who would call themselves a practioner of the Void also fits that criteria.

And Shadow priests were still kept around, so either Rommath doesn’t know much about the “Void” or Umbric’s studies weren’t what was threatening the Sunwell…

Is that actually true or is that just a game mechanic?

Void Priests can be Holy but they are quite literally incapable of utilizing the Light as practioners of the Void. The fact that they can be Holy is a game mechanic but in actuality they’re all Shadow.

Or just drop the stupid zone restrictions for factions outside WM.

The Wretched Quarter is for Void Elves, that half of the city.

Problem solved!

There was that one Astromancer in Tempest keep who turns into a Void walker so I think it’s more than just a mechanic… Void and shadow priest practitioners seem pretty common in Blood elf society… That’s not even mentioning Warlocks running around summoning those things.

Meh, I have no interest in Silvermoon. What would be cool is if Ghostlands became a center of Void Elf activity. It’s one of the things I’m most hopeful for if they do end up revamping EK and Kalimdor.