Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Bump … Silvermoon for all the High Elves

Not gonna happen sister

You must be a necromancer cause you brought this back to life.

Someone kill it!

I agree op, remove factions from the game and nerf demon hunters.

Y’all can keep Silvermoon, I don’t take second bests I’m going straight for the Goldmoon!

Can’t happen , the void elves endangered the Sunwell. Alleria was on her pilgrimage to visit and a minion of the void lords used her as a tracking device kinda. It was a cool heritage line for us Sin’dorei. As long as the Void Elves practice that form of magic, it will pull those jokers right back into our city.

I will only accept Silvermoon if we Void elves can purify the Sunwell from the taint of the Light.
And Void Knights, Rift Knights? um, Void infused Paladins with a unique armor and mount, oh especially a mount, Void Pony! Not like the Warlock one. More regal then that.

They already have it. Velves endanger it because of their decisions and weird void energy.

You can share the city excluding the Sunwell area.

The Sunwell really needs to look into getting some insurance coverage

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Alliance High Elves are those who refused the command of their last king, Anasterian Sunstrider, to return to Quel’thalas for its defense when we left the Alliance of Lordaeron. They made their decision. They are no longer welcome to live among us, even if we allow some pilgrims to visit the Sunwell.

Void Elves are a hazard to the Sunwell, and can’t be permitted near it.

If the Alliance Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei need a home, perhaps the Night Elves will welcome them. If they won’t, you mustn’t expect us to be any more willing to, considering.

TL;DR - No.

NE don’t have a home themselves .

Did you forget we burned their tree down ?

I support eliminating the Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei menaces instead.

While, from the lore, I know that Elves have a right to return to their ancestral home for pilgrimages and such regardless of faction, I am pretty sure Void Elves are outcasts kicked out of their homeland for their practice of Void magics.

That is a bit of a tricky situation… Though, I can’t blame people for wanting to go to Eversong/Silvermoon. Place is freaking gorgeous but I don’t see it becoming bi-factional anytime soon.

Though, mechanically, it would be interesting if limited to Elves of either faction. Still, I don’t see that happening without a good lore reason/major event.

Seriously though, on a side note, if WoW ever added player housing 100% I would want a spot in Eversong. Still, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful zones ever made in WoW! So many delightful colors~ Reminds me of some of the beautiful Pennsylvania countryside.

Why would a High Elf ever want to go to Silvermoon? They hate the Horde, and Silvermoon’s allied with it. And if the Silver Covenant is anything to go off, I’d say its probably safe to assume they’re not big fans of the Sin’dorei either.

High Elves returning to Quel’thalas would kind of defeat the purpose of their existence in the first place, too. Why would they suddenly be alright with everything the Sin’dorei have done and continue to do?

Void Elves don’t really have anything to gain by returning to Silvermoon, so I doubt they’d be very interested in the idea. They also seem kind of salty about their banishment.

I support this idea. Silvermoon needs the tourist business. really it does. Its an empty city seen only by low level noobs sent there. And (e)rp’ers doing their thing in darker private alleys.

AN open silver moon wold bring in some alliance business. Think of that wine seller man. He only gets noobs on the buy one bottle mission. And that’s noobs really. If like me alt addicts get the first flight to orgrimar and quest out from there. even the crap missions out the back gate have better density really.

You realize those blueberry traitor Elves are only on the Alliance because they’re pathetic traitor Elves right?

The Silvermoon guards should never relent in putting those blueberry traitor Elves 6ft under, like traitors deserve.

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That’s fine. I already have Platinummoon.

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Was the past… come SL, they look exactly like the BE

You know, if elves are so awesome, why aren’t they founding new cities?