Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

I live in Silvermoon, most of my Alts do as well.

I’ll put an order for Chili fries, and give you a mask and some big ears; you can visit, Hawkens!


That’s what i meant, those who remained after the others departed. If everyone else is going and your still all for that human potential…

Or convenience. lets not pretend Thalassians on the whole have ever been more then fair weather historically. it’s only become a recent thing to be more staunch allies.

Lor’themar still to this day, remains my favorite racial leader for that reason alone. He may not be the most exciting guy, but everything he dose, it is for his people, including those who hate him. The rest of the leadership is a little more shaky however.

I admit, it’s probably the only scenario that would work. But I feel any high elf push into silvermoon on a more permanent basis… is going to involve taking it for the Alliance.

And hence a neutral city like Dalaran.

They can update the graphics and let us fly in there.

When i say take it for the alliance, i mean it just like that.

A full push to get the horde out of the EK fully.

That won’t make sense as the vast majority of High Elves are Horde and Silvermoon is their home.

I don’t know… I think all three players in SMC probably would not really care. There was one time when i saw four players in SMC, but it could’ve been the same person twice. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And the ones on the Alliance have stated before their goal is to see Silvermoon in Alliance hands.

Not shared.

Even Umbric says it a bunch (and void elves are the last ones who should be taking the city)

Yes by having the BE move to the alliance … not by chasing out the majority population .

And thats not going to happen.

the only way i would approve of this idea is if silvermoon got a facelift, was turned into a pvp zone, and would belong to whoever controlled the citadel.

Ally High Elf are still Void Elfs and they were kicked out of Silvermoon for a reason…so pretty sure they aren’t getting anywhere close to Silvermoon.


That’s very sweet of you!


/hands a tray of chili fries

Here Ya go! also if you want mana flavored sauce instead, i can make it but the chili either turns blue or becomes a floating monster the shoots arcane chili fries.
:hot_pepper: :fries:


Haha, you need to visit Silvermoon on Wyrmrest Accord. There are much more than three players.

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Yes, there are always a lot of people in Silvermoon on my Oceanic Servers.

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starts speaking Shath’yar in a Russian accent “I have successfully infiltrated Silvermoon comrades.”.

Alliance doesn’t have blood/high elves, they have void elves, traitors, they are not welcome in Silvermoon!

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Such a mature and generous sentiment.

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Why do I hear chanting of “Deus Vult” whenever I see this topic back at the top?

Think you better see someone about those voices in your head. :scream_cat: