Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Meh those blood elves don’t even have to money to repair the city. It still in disrepair since scourge invasion.

Poor bankrupt elves.

It would be more interesting if the Void elves could create a copy of Silvermoon in Telogrus Rift :ghost:

They keep asking for peons to be sent to help the rebuilding (i mean they rebuilt Org, 50% more spikey in like a week!) but will the orcs help? noooooooo they never help… stuck using gnome labor

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Get to work peon. Zug Zug

Gaunter hands Azsharion a pickaxe

We will send workers from Moonguards Goldshire inn :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Depending on incentives offered…

Be finished in a day

And i mean the whole city, fully rebuilt

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Hmm. A relatively newly formed group of non-elves vs your own homeland that you’ve lived in for hundreds of years.

I think the Silver Covenant are the traitors.

Seriously why do you keep flagging the post ?

It’s not fine art trolling.

We expect the best thank you very much.

You think it’s trolling but Blizz has copy pasted BE to alliance pretty much .

Is it too far to imagine that Silvermoon will also be shared some time in the future ?

Hair is still different (for now, honestly i expect that to get added)

VE’s do not have paladins, a stable of Blood Elf… and different racials.

They got a new skin customization, thats it. Still Void Elves, Still by their nature, a danger to Silvermoon and the Sunwell. Even if High Elves were added as a full race, they would have no real claim to Silvermoon, as aside from maybe one surviving lodge, and those in the Alleria Stronghold in outland, the rest abandoned Silvermoon long ago.

And the ones in the Alleria stronghold have stated terokkar is their home now.

I don’t know about sharing Silvermoon with the alliance, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the remaining High elves who might have rejected the void returned to Quel’thalas. It would also allow them to update Silvermoon to reflect it’s state in lore, and allow players to fly and use it as a hub.

Lorth has tried to bring them back into the fold.

The Lodges who left Silvermoon over the Mana Tapping debate he sent supplies to and tried to bring home once the sunwell was restored in a effort to heal the rift, and got turned down.

The Dalaran elves gave up silvermoon awhile ago, i don’t see them coming back just because of the void elves. They built (or were born into) a life among humans, it’s what they know.

The high elves of Quel’lithien lodge are a pretty unique case as they were forcibly exiled, by Lor’themar himself mind you, while most High elves left on their own accord.

I just see a conflict of interest between High elves who still worship the Sunwell, or wield the light as priests or paladins, and the Void elves. It’s a large departure from High elven culture, and feels like an easy source of contention among the High elves who wish to consort with the Void, and the ones who wish to continue to follow the light.

If an event like the one with Alleria at the Sunwell ended up being the cause behind the creation of more Void elves. I could easily see the High elves fleeing back to Quel’thalas and the Sunwell for safety, especially considering Lor’themar’s welcoming attitude, and gestures of good will toward them.

The problem you run into, is the High Elves who left, did it pre-scourge invasion.

You had the families who had been a part of Dalaran for basically ever and were more pointy eared human then High Elf, and you had those who following Silvermoon pulling out of the Alliance after the second war who wanted to remain with their human friends.

Things like Kael’s sham trial and the like didn’t budge them, i don’t see void elves moving in doing so either. They might want to reclaim Quel’thalas, but it would be for the Alliance, rather then rejoin their Silvermoon kin and mix with the Horde who they hate.

At this point their faction identity is more important to them then their racial identity.

EDIT: The SC is a great example of it tbh,

The BE’s joined the horde because they were desperate and needed help, and the horde was on their doorstep offering that help. They needed help both in protecting Quel’thalas from the remaining scourge forces, and to get to outland to rejoin Kael in the ‘promised land’ only to find out he went bug nuts legion in the intrem and helped stop him.

Flash forward to Wrath, and Sylvie strong arms the BE’s into helping the northrend campaign, they don’t have the manpower or resources to do it, but are also in no position to refuse, so they help war with the litch king, both the horde and alliance even grudgingly agree to work together…

And the SC forms to block and harass the BE’s as much as possible, splitting a already divided army needlessly.

Many of High elves did return to Quel’thalas after the scourge invasion, joining Kael’thas and his vision for the Blood elves. Some felt the Alliance did not do enough to help their people defend Silvermoon against the scourge, more followed after witnessing Garithos’ racist treatment of the Blood elves. Even Kael’thas High elven Archmage tutor left the Alliance shortly after the incident in Dalaran.

Though she believed the Prince allying with the naga was foolish, she could not support Dalaran imprisoning her people. Malygos only needed to remind her of this betrayal to gain her as an instructor for his mage hunters. - Grand Magus Telestra.

Much of this information can be found in the Blood of the highborne novella, or the warcraft Encyclopedia.

I don’t think so, especially if something should conflict or threaten their way of life. High elves who still revere, and wish to protect the Sunwell like Auric Sunchaser would likely not stand idly by if they felt something, or someone endangered it’s safety. Especially devout light wielders like priests or paladins who would view the void with abhorrence, and channel their powers directly from the Sunwell. Auric himself is seen calling for Blood elves and High elves to unite for the sake of protecting the Sunwell during the Quel’delar questline.

And while some High elves have entrenched themselves in their human customs we still see those who continue to uphold their traditions as Quel’dorei. And considering the importance of the Sunwell to their culture, and every day life it would not be hard to imagine some void-event with the Void elves possibly endangering that and sending them fleeing to Quel’thalas and the Sunwell.

There are probably more half elf’s than high elf at this point in the alliance… the elf bloodline is diluted .

I don’t think they’d be accepted there. Fears of possibly tainting the sunwell and all.

I was talking about the high elves who still remained with the alliance, sorry if i was vague on that :zipper_mouth_face:

The problem still remains Quel’thalas is with the horde, while plenty of high elves would wish to see the sunwell protected (even Alliera admitted her presence was a problem) those who would be willing to side with the horde have departed.

While some might be willing to return to help protect the sunwell short term, any true rejoining at this point is probably a pipe dream due to faction politics and bad blood on both sides of it. (Lorth would welcome any High Elves back home, but most of silvermoon would likely be highly wary of a reunion happening -now- even more so for former members of the SC, look at the reaction to Vereesa and SC rangers coming to aid with Zula’mon)

When the king of the high elves officially withdrew from the Alliance, many of these elves did remain, including Kael’thas himself, it was only after the scourge attacked Quel’thalas that those same loyal High elves decided to leave with Kael’thas when they felt their people had been abandoned. Many more followed after witnessing Garithos’ racist behavior as well.

If thalassian elves are known for anything, it’s their penchant toward switching loyalties whenever they feel something greatly conflicts with their beliefs, or ethics. Should Void elf ideology, or methods somehow compromise or threaten their way of life, especially in the way the Blood elve’s methods of siphoning magic did, there would be nothing stopping them from returning to Quel’thalas.

I wouldn’t say so, especially if we consider all of Lor’themar’s gestures of good will toward them, and with the recent development regarding the Void elves we could easily be seeing a separation between High elves who’ve embraced the void, and High elves who still wish to embrace the light, and the sunwell.

It doesn’t seem like the Blood elves really hold the high elves responsible for what the Silver Covenant did, afterall it didn’t stop Lor’themar from using that same “Child of Silvermoon” rhetoric to justify allowing Alleria access to the Sunwell. In fact most of the Blood elven leaders seem to encourage the idea of unity, and wish nothing more than to see their race united as the once proud nation they once were.

In the end there’s no real saying what might happen, but if we’re going to toy around with the idea of sharing Silvermoon, my idea isn’t really out of the realm of reality.