Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Hey cupcake , why are you not Alliance ? Are you one of these players who follow the crowd to join the horde because most Alliance players left Alliance to join the Horde ?

The only thing Void Elves were getting is a makeover to look like Blood Elves . Copy and paste .
Alliance are not getting Silvermoon .
I am a shame you are my brother Orc to act this way .

No. ONLY if High Elves get brought in for the Alliance.

There’s no reason I can’t think of why the Ren’dorei or the rest of the Quel’dorei(SC) can’t come together and build a hub city/bastion. Both of them were exiled, and let’s not forget that the VE current hub location is a huge rock just floating in infinite space.

I think the quel’danil lodge in the Hinterlands could be expanded on.

Vulpera get a wagon in Orgrimmar and Mag’har get a building in Org that is being transformed into the class trainer building next expansion.

Other races definitely need something first.

Brother Orc it’s best that we get rid of the BE’s and all the rest of the Elfs and Foxes . Make a better stronger horde .

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sneaks past the Blood Elf holding a Net-o-matic 5000 while Camouflaged

Not gonna disagree with any of those points. My intention was pointed towards the OP. Every AR needs some type of hub imo whether it’s a village, or fort, or w.e

Despite having the ability to look like regular high elves, they are still void elves and exiled from Silvermoon.

I would love to have this happen just because it would upset the spoiled and entitled Horde.

the whole premiss of the Void Elves is that they were exiled because their void energies damage the Sunwell. Aleria made the Sunwell accidentally explode by just standing in its vecinity.

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How did that work out for you last time?

Would work fine … without demonic influence or Garrosh in charge.

…Or grom… or…

Just imagine how much faster Silvermoon would be rebuilt if Void elves helped out in game?

Nightborne visiting Silvermoon

“Something’s not quite right…”


That’s actually not a bad idea. It’s a nice little landing pad on our way to total elf defection into a third faction.

Didn’t they just get Mechagon?

Why would you manabomb creatures that drink mana like Hi-c ectocoolers?

I will personally build you the best mud hut in the Hinterlands.

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