Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

Dude did you even care about the story and lore at all? The Voide elves were kicked out of Silvermoon because they are too dangerous for the Sunwell.
Also why should the alliance be allowed in silvermoon? Overall it doesn’t make any sense.

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Please stop trying to hijack our entire race. Alliance got awesome character customizations for Shadowlands but that doesn’t entitle them to owning Silvermoon (or really anything Belf).


They can share the non Sunwell portion of the city .

I’m very Pro HE. And I think the sentiments of the re take Quel’thalas agenda is very mean spirited to BE fans. A lot of pros never call out anti BE stuff, yet keep pining for a “Quel’thalas Warfront” that never happened. Looks like a smokescreen to hide the real agenda of Alliance extremists using the forums for months to push their version of the warfront to be canon, all the while BE fans are being griefed about losing their home until one day we finally find out from Blizzard what the canon victory is in lore. I think it’s just mean spirited and most HE fans who support the request would push for a move on from the narrative that belongs to BEs. Now if we get lore to add to VEs they can tell that narrative as another facet of VE society with no threat to BE themes so I’m happy about that.

But I agree the take Quel’thalas, wish we had a warfront, etc etc stuff is mean spirited at this point especially since it lacks self awareness and is a bit tone deaf like read your room a lot of BE fans aren’t happy about the customizations even that are happening so why push this that is not necessary. Idk just my thoughts.


No it doesn’t.

I totally agree with you, and you worded that wonderfully. I don’t mind the new customizations at all; I think it’s awesome that players are getting more diversity in their elvish choices. But that doesn’t mean that we should just hand over our Belf culture.

Our city, our Blood Knights, our custom golden jewelry, our mounts… those should stay ours. It’s insensitive and sucks.


I dont even want it tbh…

No. Blood Elf have always been Horde ever since Garathos refused to let them join the Alliance.

High Elf have been in the lore since Warcraft 2 and have ALWAYS been Alliance. High Elves have existed for thousands of years according to the lore. Blood Elves have only existed for a few decades.

You’re non sensical, & thick headed, so I’m done with you.

Alliance still has void elves. Customisation is one thing, but they are still infused with void energy. They are a danger to the city and the sunwell.

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I have to give this thread a hard no. Let’s keep something about blood elves horde only.


Ya it’s only fair that Silvermoon be made neutral .

The Sunwell island can be made off limits is needed but no need why the rest of the city is off limits for the VE.

Didnt the Sunwell taze Alleria?

How do you think it would react with that much opposite energy nearby

Yeah nah, that ain’t happening.

If I recall when Sylvanas’ sister (whose name I can’t spell) was there she nearly blew up the Sunwell.

So I am guessing that is going to be a no.

Nah, high elves abandoned their people, they can rot.

Can Gnomes hang out in Silvermoon City?

yes but female gnomes only

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Just for that, I’m going back to Silvermoon ruins and dancing on all y’all’s mailboxes…

A lot of those same High Elves became Blood Elves. Why do people keep discounting this? It’s not like the High Elves suddenly sprouted out tumors that crawled out from their skin to become Blood Elves. High Elves aren’t an Alliance only race. Splinter factions existed, and that’s why we were offered an olive branch in the form of High Elf wayferers who use Void Magic. But it’s STILL within the realm of Void Elf identity.

But what a lot of you are asking for is literally in the Horde.

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