Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

There are things you shouldn’t be licking in Silvermoon. You don’t know where they’ve been.

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Right? They’ll never be happy. I’ve already seen them complaining they can’t be blonde or paladins. There’s just no pleasing the Alliance crybabies.


Yup. And I’ve already seen threads how they’re now pushing for Void Elf paladins and blonde hair. it’s never going to end. But look at your typical Alliance player. Are you really surprised?

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Nothing wrong in giving half of Silvermoon to Void Elves.

Void Elves should be allowed into Silvermoon imo, even if the guards are unfriendly but unattackable and not hostile.

The current factions need to go; they no longer make sense.

Fine, so while it’s still with the Horde come play Horde. Until the day that it is “liberated” from the people who have been living there for a few thousand years by the Alliance, it’s not yours.

The forums are literal memes now, are people just trying to fill the void of new topics?

Works both ways

Horde helps Kirin tor -> Kirin tor has racial purge of blood elves

Horde helps Lightforged -> Lightforged immediately decide that the horde should be killed

Horde helps Mechagnomes -> Mechagnomes immediately turn around and ally against the Horde


As far as I can tell the void elves were exiled before Alleria was banished. Using Void energies was banned after Dar’khan betrayed his people, even though he was planning to do so before he discovered the Void.

Didn’t their banishment happen before the sunwell restoration so early BC time frame?

At the time the Zandalari Trolls were trying to seek help and the Alliance imprisoned what were emissaries. Zul had his ulterior motives and anybody who played during 4.1 knew Zul was a bad guy but you never saw much of him. You just know the Zandalari Trolls you were helping defeat Hakkar decided to become troll ethnonationalists and started attacking you out of nowhere.

Hell you even kill some of the noticeable NPCs like Jin’rohk the Breaker and Molthor (To whom you turn in the Heart of Hakkar).

Since we’re on the subject:

We also helped the Void Elves and Lightforged. Though unlike with the Nightborne, they just decided they hated us. Thalyssra joins with Liadrin because Tyrande basically tells her to go screw herself and that she believes Thalyssra will become another Elisande.

We’ve also on numerous events helped Tyrande who is worthless so we can save her worthless husband that seems to always be incapacitated by some villain and yet somehow this dude is more powerful than the people that beat the things subduing him like Shade of Xavius.

You really should check it out. I transferred to WrA from Feathermoon, and it has been an amazing experience. There is RP in pretty much every city, with Orgrimmar and Silvermoon being the most packed.

Even just adventuring out in the world, if you have war mode off, you come across all kinds of RP out in the wild. It’s awesome.

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Silvermoon is a Horde capital. There is no reason why Alliance should be allowed there.

While Alliance allied High Elves that aren’t Ren’dorei (because the void is a danger to the Sunwell) are allowed pilgrimage to the isle of Quel’danas (the Sunwell), Silvermoon City is not a place that welcomes members of the Alliance and nothing has changed in that regard.

All the new customization options allow is for Alliance players to play as the Alliance allied High Elves they see in Alliance capitals and other Alliance friendly locations. Your suggestion that Silvermoon should be neutral is the same as suggesting Stormwind should be neutral.

Nightborne also joined the Horde because the Blood elves…knowing something about addiction…have been helping them.

Void Elves are attuned to the void which adversely effects the Sun Well thus will never be allowed back into Silvermoon. If they were to give up void they would no longer be void elves…but blood elves…thus part of the horde.

I find it amusing that people who have leveled a void elf to 120 paid so little attention to their AR quest information.

Again, I reiterate that the driving force was Tyrande turning them down. The backing of this claim is made from the questline itself where Thalyssra outright says the Horde was not her first option and she felt she would have found better allies with her former kin, until Tyrande rudely tells her off.

Liadrin was the fallback because she was open to Thalyssra and very welcoming in an almost eerily romantic manner.

Point still stands though, Thalyssra wanted Alliance first, but went Horde because Tyrande was having one of her moods.

There is a reason why silvermoon city is rarely visited…

its because they banned my chili fries cart! :hot_pepper::fries:

Look, I’m really happy that Alliance are getting High Elves. It’s a really good thing and it gives players the classic Alliance feel from WC III. However, Silvermoon belongs to the Horde. The Alliance has no claim to it. The High Elves now live in their lodges, Dalaran and Stormwind, and that’s cool.

The one thing I will say is I wish that the Alliance allied race homes were actually places people could visit and not boring instanced locations. It would be cool if the Dark Irons had a friendly Shadowforge City others could visit or the Void Elves had a place other than some random rock in space.

But yeah, Silvermoon is the Horde’s turf. If the High Elves have a capital now it’s probably Dalaran.

Let’s give half of Org to the Humans while we’re at it…

Except for the fact you were literally banished from Silvermoon…