Silvermoon needs to be shared between both factions

I will be honest. One thing that disappoints me with WoW compared to the last MMO I played (EQ) is the fact that there aren’t faction-based cities for base races by default. I mean, why can’t Goblins enter every major city in WoW? Vulpera are somewhat friendly to most races as well, why can’t Vulpera enter Kul’tiras?

:rofl: you’re hilarious, tell me what else i definitely wrote about

Silvermoon does NOT like void elfs. They will never be let back in, skin color be damned.

Op - I like this idea. It should be a neutral city.

Freeze a guard with frost trap=free real estate as a Void elf in Silvermoon. Don’t sleep in the Inn though guard sword to the face is a Helya rude wake up call :alarm_clock:

Laughs in “already did it” By the way, I licked everything while I was there… enjoy Silvermoon!

I’d take a neutral capital over the 13+ year old ghost town where you can’t even fly. Sure, why not.

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its not a ghost town on WRA

Not at all…Void elfs are blood elf traitors…who the hell invites the traitor into your home?

Jesus Blizzard does Alliance a favor and the entitlement comes out in droves. I rejoiced seeing the options because i thought “Finally, no more stupid threads about high elfs”…alas, y’all show your true colors. Grats to those who actually kept their word about being happy to get it though. The rest? Bugger off.

I think that’s what they call an anomaly, I’m on an RP realm too and you can’t find two people there ever. Heard good things about WRA, that’s another one. :slight_smile:

No. Blood elves considers high elves and void elves as traitors. They only allow pilgrimage to the sunwell to high elves because they took part in taking the sunwell back from the legion.

Silvermoon need a update … Would be great to see Silvermoon renewed …
I don’t think that is a good idea to be shared …
I would like more if the Night elves get a new Home ! The Alliance need elven capital too


yes, i would love to uwu every one in silvermoon

Since the Sunwell is powered by a Naaru core, and since Naaru eventually cycle to the Void, eventually the Sunwell will too and all Blood Elves will become Void Elves! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d also like reference to Dalaran or Alliance Thalassian Elves returning to Silvermoon to rejoin their kin and become Horde.

Silvermoon is a Horde city.


If you wanna hang out in silver moon city
Wait for it

The horde is waiting for you


Disgusting Alliance filth.

Silvermoon is ours, and ours alone to claim, and the Alliance is nothing but a circus of inept kings and cowardly wizards.

We shall have justice, the return of Arcane Torrent as it was, and the Horde filth, including their precious Ion, shall waste away.

Remember the Sunwell.


I doubt all of them are, some still grudge the orcs for killing they’re families, but some would also refuse the voids teachings. High elves or half-elves should be made playable.

Isn’t there a silver covenant hang out somewhere

All I sense is the continuation of Blood Elf envy that has existed for 12 or so years. Move on idjits