SILVERMOON. Give it to us

As far as we know, N’zoth rests far deeper in the ocean.

I like void elves and want them and blood elves to get more customisations, but why the hell would they ‘get’ silvermoon? They lost the rights to that the second they sided with Valeria and literally got corrupted by the void.

Also they can’t even be NEAR the sunwell that’s half the reason they decided to move home. This is just a dumb suggestion.

And not paying the workers when the work is done.

The Isle of Quel’danas is outside of Silvermoon City.

I am fine with Void Elves being allowed entrance to Silvermoon but denied entry to the Isle of Quel’danas.

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But we also deserve a heated holiday island swimming pool.

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They’ll get their payment when when they fix this damn door!

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Noodles? What am I some frilly rogue? No, I am a warrior, I require animal flesh.

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Would hamburgers work for you?

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Nah I’m already building a shrine to Kimbul here.


I have a much better idea, since velfs are cheap knock off helfs and belfs. It is time that the BLOOD elves got more customization options that velfs will never get! Fair is fair.

Let’s start.
All high elf themes will go to blood elf characters only, it is fair. Void elves have all that voidy stuff that you guys keep trying to erase and that’s never happening.

Edit: By themes I mean any sort of high elven tattoos etc. Belongs with the blood elves and not the void elves.


From what I remember, it wasn’t so much that the Sunwell freaked out, it was that a Void Lord tried to drink it through Alleria.

First our customizations, and now Silvermoon? How dare you!?

I hope the Void consume you.


Time to come clean:

For those of you interpret this as a serious, legitimate demand that we should get Silvermoon, let me make it absolutely clear.


You know what isn’t a joke though?..

…We will get Silvermoon, because reasons.

I mean lets be real Blood Elves, you aren’t using it anymore anyways. :man_shrugging:

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The Stormwind Rats say otherwise!

We have Dung Beetles…DUNG BEETLES! Orgrimmar is the bastion of cleanliness with those little critters cleaning every ‘accident’ up.

Unlike a stinking, rat-infested canal city with smelly humans everywhere!

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Or in your case, pints.


I want enough to bathe in.
