SILVERMOON. Give it to us

:rofl::rofl::rofl: this is beautiful.

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It happened at the end of the Sunwell raid.

You get to see it happen right in front of you :smiley:

Anveena was the arcane power of the Sunwell manifested into the form of a human woman. At the end of the Kil’jaeden boss fight, Anveena sacrificed herself and returned to the Sunwell and thus did the arcane return to it and purified it, and then came the heart of the naaru which added to it’s power. Safe to say, the Sunwell is a little more powerful than it was before, a combined power of both the light and the arcane.

'tis also why fears of attacks on Silvermoon seem a little redundant. With the Sunwell’s restoration and assumedly more powerful than it’s previous state, a restoration of the great barrier Ban’dinoriel which held back even the scourge invasion (Until betrayal from within the High Elven ranks, by someone who knew how the barrier worked) could easily be set in motion.

Blizzard never cashed in much on the immense power of the Sunwell.


Silvermoon should be shared with all Thalassian elves, Velf’s and Helf’s should have our own section of it, best place would be the ruins to the left, we could fix it up and have an Alliance embassy there.

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Silvermoon City is already open for High Elves and those who wishes to migrate to and see the Sunwell, has been like this ever since the WOTLK. Having an Alliance embassy there is a conflict between factions, won’t happen, shouldn’t happen - the Alliance hasn’t exactly made themselves the most worthy of the Blood Elves’ trust.

Silvermoon City and Eversong Woods will never be open for Void Elves, however, as they simply are too dangerous and having them around is just risking losing the Sunwell… again.


I’m now starting to understand why some animals eat their young

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Problem is they wouldn’t be able to help themselves and go to the Sun Well.

There would be one who just had to go peek to see it and be drawn to it. One who thought the whole thing was a lie and it wouldn’t be corrupted. One who would think, just one little toe in the water couldn’t hurt. But then that little toe becomes a foot and so on.

With no one there to stop them from swimming in it, it would be ruined.

Tell someone they can’t do something and inevitably it will be done. :stuck_out_tongue:


Silvermoon sure, the sunwell however… nope. Reason the void elves got banished from Silvermoon is the sunwell is a font of pure light energy that cures the mana addiction. When a void elf such as Alleria got close it freaked out and could of killed everyone. I mean I could see allowing Void elves into Silvermoon as a neutral city sure, not the alliance taking it from the horde however like the OP was demanding. So long as they avoid that Sunwell and don’t try to steal it for the alliance or the void


Whilst I agree with the sentiment that all elves should in fact be neutral and should not have been playable at all, along with undead.

I can not see why people would have Silvermoon City i na neutral state. Silvermoon City is under the rightful governance of the Blood Elves, as decreed by Kael’thas Sunstrider the last of the royal line. The High Elves to an extend are traitors of their kin and their nation, but have been allowed into the city and to the Sunwell. And while the High Elves are indeed traitors to their kin an dnations, the Void Elves are not just traitors, but might as well be villains.

The Void Elves not only refused orders from the governing heads of the nation, but they also continued the research of one of the High Elves greatest traitors to date - Dar’khan Drathir. Along with that, it was already theorised early on by Rommath, that the powers the Void Elves sought could spell chaos for the Thalassian population as whole, as the void could very well corrupt and destroy the Sunwell yet again.

Safe to say, that the void elves were spared execution was very much the result of a divine mercy. To say that they should be allowed into the City again, let alone the entirety of Quel’thalas, is silly all things considered.


Yes. It should be an Alliance city.


So… What you’re saying is… Get one void elf to touch the sunwell, then that’s it. The Blood Elves will migrate outta there and we can mosey on in? :>

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Man, I wanna make a joke about dive bombing into the sunwell, btu then I realized I can’t actually play my main as the race I want due to faction imbalance, and then stop caring about what blood elves cry about.

Siege of Silvermoon shouldn’t have been scrapped.

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Quite the contrary, Blood Elves will return to their ways before the Sunwell’s reignition. They will use blood magic to keep the buildings afloat, their magical trinkets powered, they will once again utilise the ability to draw magic out of living beings - the destruction of the Sunwell won’t be as damaging to the Blood Elves this time around.

The High Elves, however, will end up suffering badly due to the addiction, and having not learned how to deal with it. It could fuel the Blood Elven population even more so, it could very well spell the end of High Elves organisations in support of the Alliance. And that is disregarding the highly-religious symbol the Sunwell is to all elves hailing from Quel’thalas.

It could also very well result in the death of all Void Elves. Blood Elves and High Elves would come for them at that point.


Well, there is the western part of Silvermoon that is still in ruins. Give that to the Void Elves to build back up and that can be their portion of the city. As far as the Sunwell goes, that’s not even in the city. It’s on the Isle of Quel’Danas. For scale, the distance from Silvermoon to the Isle is roughly the width of the Western Plaguelands. Now the game is not built to scale, but one can easily assume that’s a healthy distance. The Sunwell only started acting wonky when Alleria was right up and close to it. The Western half of Silvermoon should be more than safe enough for the Void Elves.


Not really a fan of Pandaren… but yes, this is an awkward fact that I wish wasn’t true.

Would it help if I brought a life-long supply of noodles as a peace offering?

As a Helfer, no.

As a player? Give us a war front that goes nowhere. That would be pretty neat.

But tbf I’m not resubbing until well after 9.1.5

Void elves shouldn’t get a thing.

They shouldn’t even be allowed in the church of light in stormwind. They belong in the basement with the warlock trainers.

Every time you see void elves they’re oozing purple stuff from their hair onto the pathways in stormwind. Are they going to clean it up? Lol no, they’re too good for that.

Keep the void elves where they are, out of sight off in space or wherever those rocks are.

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Ah yes. Good science.

The purple stuff is cleaner than orgrimmar.

The Blood Elves are more likely to destroy the Sunwell before it gets far enough to corrupt them in that manner.

That is of course harzarding a guess that the Sunwell wouldn’t already implode upon Void and Light meeting.

You might be onto something.