SILVERMOON. Give it to us

The Horde lost an entire world.
The Horde lost half the Barrens.
The Horde lost Arathi.
The Horde lost Darkshore and possibly Ashenvale(we need to wait to for confirmation on that)

You’re a lovely hamster.

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no no… we literally have a floating landmass in a pocket of the void lets build a Very cute city there!


That’s space Silvermoon. It’s Silvermoon… But in space. We also need ground Silvermoon because reasons.

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imagine that middle earsten style homes done with shimmering roofs that reflect the sparkles floating in the void. translucent void sparkle drapes. tenticles wrapping and glowing up a side of a building in swirling patterns. also my fantasy is while inside this void city all of us are in a constant state of entropic embrace.

So the fantasy is get this… glowing people in a dimly lit sparkle city with glowing tendrils wrapping and twisting up buildings.




She’s right you know.

Void Elves will never have a home as beautiful as Suramar or Silvermoon.

Have fun with your derelict rocks out in the void. :blush:

It has been known for a long time, that even if the alliance got full on AR High Elves, some people would still ask for Silvermoon.

Now, considering how we got High Elves, think how likely is going to be they redo the whole of Quel’thalas to give it to the alliance.


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Why would anyone want Silvermoon? I can think of a few places more pretty then Silvermoon.

Void Elves are literal poison to Blood Elf society.


Contrasting that we have the Windrunners who according to humans do their best work in the dark. Dark Lady, Void Goddess, frankly it’s a miracle Vereesa hasn’t gone full on Arcane or Fel edgelord. …yet.

Void elves need to make a dark, edgy city in Telogrus and name it Goldensun City :laughing:


Isn’t the Sunwell a LONG ways away from Silvermoon? Like all the way on the Isle of Quel’danas?

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You’re really giving us a bad name now, OP…


And isn’t the Sunwell corrupted by Fel Magic?

While not taking this entirely seriously, I would like to point out a few lore things.

Both Blood Elves and High Elves are reliant on the Sunwell, neither group at large have gotten rid of their magical addiction. I would presume that Void Elves no longer have this addiction, like Blood Elf Death Knights.

Considering what Alleria’s sheer presence near the Sunwell caused, it would be my thought that neither Blood Elves NOR High Elves would EVER let the Void Elves anywhere close to the Sunwell, let alone the city - it simply is way too dangerous to have them hanging around anywhere nearby, where their maddening whispers could potentially drive them to disable any security measures and head straight for the Sunwell to have it corrupted… again - too high of a risk.

As seen with Alleria, the Void Elves either corrupt the Sunwell upon touch, or the void they have been corrupted with can be used as a gateway for other powerful void beings who seem keenly interested in the power of the Sunwell - these are all big, red flags.

That said, I would love to have Blood Elf zones updated to match current lore. Away with the fel crystals, a bridge to Quel’danas would be cool. Heck, might as well make Silvermoon City the largest city by restoring the other half of it.


Stop making troll posts to make Void Elves look bad, OP.

Nah, it was reignited, purified back in TBC with the heart of a naaru. As planned by the naaru in an attempt to create mindless soldiers of the light, to which they mildly succeeded with Liadrin and her knights.

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I must of missed that bit of info.