SILVERMOON. Give it to us

You’re gonna stay on your dinky little space rock and you’re going to like it.


At least we can go to space! No amount of blood sacrifices will get the pox out of your devolved civilisation!

I assume that is sort of the point. Having said that. I am not particularly interest if only because if Silvermoon is on the chopping block, Exodar will be next. Having said that I actually thing there are two(fairly bloodless) way Blizzard could give void/high elves a new capital.

  1. the void elves take back the half of the city that remains destroyed. A crater will remain in its place(in exchange Blizzard revamps the zones and lets you fly). 2) we find a “lost village” of high elves. A group of elves that escaped before Arthas arrive and was hiding/building a new city which the Alliance conveniently finds and assist/gets to join the Alliance.

Nooooo, Silvermoon leave it to the traitors, we better found a new city in the “Quel’Danil Lodge”, that area is beautiful.

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That depends

Would the explosion wipe out all the void elves? :thinking:

Nah. Just makes us more voidy.

Give Silvermoon or we’re taking it.


Oh, why thank you. Yes. I agree.

Like anyone could trust you with a major settlement on Azeroth…

Lordaeron? Looked kinda gooey and no longer yours, and now it looks very gassy and no longer anyone’s.
Theramore? Crater.
Andorhal? Very Did
Stratholm? You even did that yourself…
Gilneas? Lost to the ferals, then lost to the gas.
Teldrassil? A whole heck of a lot shorter than it was.

Trolls should also need official diplomatic passports to enter since Silvermoon and trolls have a bad history.

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Because the Horde came. You only validate me!


The Horde gave birth to Arthas Menethil and entrusted him with a kingdom and the paladins.

That’s why Lordaeron is a hollow ruin, and why Silvermoon is cut in half in the first place.

(Hint hint, it was your spacegoat buddy in the first place…)


You are a sharp one.

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Why would you even want Silvermoon anyhow? It still has a huge scar down the middle, with one half of it infested with monsters, dangerous mana addicts, villainous slavers, and unstable mana golems, while the other half is chock full of wretched!

I am not even sure if you understand the irony that all that was directly or indirectly caused by the Horde.

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You mispelled Kil’Jaeden…

You know… best buddy to your spacegoat pals?

(Oh… and Medivh Good old Medivh)

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(I’m well aware of the Horde’s role in it…Horde seems to have a much better track record of keeping their settlements while taking more of them.)

Both cases did so with their peoples interest in mind. Yes. Misguided to be sure. But they had… The lesser evil intention?

Gul’dannyboi, though? Nah. He loved it. He didn’t care who he screwed over. His people. Other people. So long as he got more juice.

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This was why you can’t give the high elf people an inch.


Give Silvermoon City to Alleria Windrunner.

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