SILVERMOON. Give it to us

Real blood elves moved to the alliance when they realised they could be blue. The current red ones are phoneys because a dev accidentally spilled coffee on the faction schematics during the making of BC. I know this because the void told me so.

I will take Silvermoon and in return you guys can have the Dreanei city.

But do they clean alliance sewerage systems? Of course not, because they use magic to port it away. In fact, Orgrimmar is 80% composed of Sin’dorei excrement… So… Okay, I may see the loss there! But trust me, with an alliance sewerage system, you don’t need to worry about asking anybody where it goes. All of that matter is transported directly to the Horde drinking rivers!

nooooooooooo THE DRAENEI WILL FLY AND LET Azuremisty Isle behind, no valor without Exodar.

Well Blood Elf labour is expensive, Orcish Peons are cheap :wink:


Have you ever really looked at Silvermoon? You can fall between the “walls” and “floor” there and it’s weird.

Kills all immersion. It’s worse than a house of cards.

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Give Silvermoon to void elves.


That’s just terrible horde repair jobs trying to fix broken floors and walls. Alliance innovation is key to a sleek and well structured city.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

No. High Elves are Horde and Silvermoon and the Sunwell are ours.

Death to all who oppose us.


No. We’re trying to help you. Don’t give into savagery and ooga booga. Embrace civilisation. Become. Blue.

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Mud huts indeed, with animal carcasses and metal spikes everywhere. At the very least, the High El…ahem…Void Elves deserve the Western part of Silvermoon that those lazy Blood Elves have left in ruins for years. Western Silvermoon for the Quel’dorei!

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It is.

West side represent y’all!



No u. >:| Emphasis on the face

Why would they give you silver moon? So you can blow it up the second some moron void elf decides it’d be funny to touch the sunwell?


No. To. You. >:[

polymorph cat

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…Are you saying that wouldn’t be funny?

dumps several gallons of blood on you “Don’t ask where it came from…”

Joke’s on you, I’m already a cat.
Sticks void paw in the sunwell aquarium