SILVERMOON. Give it to us

Oh, no. I’m not falling for that one again.


I am totally for something like this :heart::heart:

Look, I got dive bombing into the Sunwell out of my system. All I want is to just dip my feet in. Get refreshed… And NOT because the voices told me so. Honest to N’zoth!

What part of exiled traitors don’t you get.

Rommeth told you your idea was reckless and dangerous and you ignored him even after our mana problem was solved by a far better magical source than the void.

Then when void elf idiocy almost gets you turned into void slaves to house void entities you decide emulating the person who ate a Narru was a good idea instead of realizing Rommeth was right and you should repent.

Then you decide to up exile to treason by aiding the Alliance against the rightful leader of Quel’thalas at the Battle for Undercity, dragging the nation you claim your protecting with your void heresy into a war by bailing out Anduin’s poor plan.

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…But did we join the legion? :>

You are not high elves :slight_smile: you have tentacles crawling in and out your bum holes weather it shows or not. PS why would you want the only city that hasn’t done a repair job since well… ever? Also your faction stuck there noses up at the Night fallen because a pervious generation didn’t show up to a war they had little inclination to no about.

Honestly both stories were really thin in there justification to give ugly version of both elf races to opposing faction. Just be thankful you don’t haft to be as ugly anymore :slight_smile:

But they do have High Elf customization. Relevant interview/source provided in the link.

And this is also suggested in another interview. It leaves enough open for interpretation. This has been circulating around the forums as well.

“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not … recruiting, necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”


Basically what Danuser says is that there are thalassian elves who are interested in becoming -Void- Elves.

Yes. This is why Blood/High Elves with lesser corruptions/changed physiology are indeed possible.


As a playable race we never got them. As an Alliance race we never lost them.

I don’t care about Silvermoon itself but…it’s full of blood elves.

Here is your city, in Terrokar Forrest!

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When Alleria herself was injected with void, she was able to do some void things, after a long time of training, several hundreds of years in fact, she was able to use the void rather skillfully.

It was only after drinking up that dark naaru, that she got a void form, and became even more powerful with the void.

Blizzard here have set two rules - void elves do not have to look like blueberries, that much is true.
The second rule is that it takes a huge amount of void-corruption to gain the kind of power that the void elves hold.

That said though, the matter of Alleria’s and the Void Elves coming into being, are very much different. Alleria’s was controlled, the Void Elves underwent a transformation where the intended result was them being made into void monstrosities, hence why Void Elves as playble should not be able to look like Alleria… atleast not until we got to a point in lore where they would be able to replicate the process which created the void elves in the first place.

That is logical inference - and something blizzard appearantly cares about, considering that their answer to only changing gameplay mechanics which ruined Shadowlands now, rather than earlier, is appearantly because it now makes sense because the covenants are working together.

And you can’t feel it, but there is a seething anger from me towards blizzard for their total incomptence and inconsistency. They are too prideful and they clearly won’t admit that they make a mistake which spells a terrible future as far as I am concerned, and I am mad that they can’t just swallow that pride of theirs so that we THEN could start to hope for a better game in the future.

Who says you’re alone in this mess. It was clear from the very beginning how awful Void Elves are. Nothing ever stopped them giving High Elves to the Alliance but their pride. Regardless how you twist and turn the Void Elves, player would still wish for High Elves. Always. This situation was inevitable the moment Allied Races/clone races were announced. Even if they don’t have had plans for Blood Elves on the Alliance, everything would have led to this outcome.

The best solution would have been making the High Elves available and then pushing the narrative into the Void with an interesting storyline where the Silver Covenant and other High Elves land in a conflict with each other. This would have been a natural story progression for what was before without taking away the new options.

Best solution would have been to just outright delete the High Elves, as was the intention back in WC3: Frozen Throne.

Yeet and delete them.

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High Elf is coming whether you like it or not.

Not sure where you’re getting that from. They’re in Vanilla WoW.

they already happened in 2007. oh, did you mean void elves getting the option to look like an alliance easter egg?

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Silvermoon and High racial title! Might as well have a Elf Civil War patch.

North vs South. East vs West.

High, Nights, and Voids vs Bloods, Trolls, and Nightbornes

Eleven Civil War!

I really hope Bellular is correct and we get a religious zealot civil war xpac with Turalyon and co.

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