Silvermoon Alliance Reconnections

Triplehelix, NE Warrior
Eclipse of the Wolf (level 12-60)
Dissonance (MC to Naxx)

Looking for Telrunya, Lazaraimir, Sylvantren, Boldbill from Eclipse of the Wolf

Looking for fellow raiders from guild Dissonance:
Fellow warriors Lysistrata, Softy, Woaijas, Burgy, Water
Priests Leid, Namy, Zhenji, Cynthia, Jolin
Rogues Lapse, Dcrew, Papaya, Devis, Burtonsix
Hunters Spirithunter, Weiland, Dawntreader, Heximisu, Weeburr
Paladins Clout, Amberstar, Oradran, Salamengel, Verdorben
Druids Tyrlin, Rossa, Myria, Galarathor, Andersen
Mages Tobyness, Malevalon, Fides, Tresmane, Pixela
Warlocks Baalzebub, Hawken, Thoren, Desie, Liljosephine

When BC came out, most of Dissonance left Silvermoon to go to a low pop server but I can’t remember the server name, can anyone help me find my mates?

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It has come to my attention that I mixed up a name or two, bless you Zyph carry on xD

<3 I definitely remember the name Krystallic, but the community was pretty small back then so that’s no surprise :smiley:

Nobody remembers the name Krystallic so that fills me with hope ahaha

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Hey Ducko! Yess indeed channels still active and we’ll do the same on Classic!

I just wanted to post this to confirm for anyone regarding Excalibur, Silvermoon Raid Alliance and just any friendly faces really!
What some of us have decided to do initially is create a chat channel on the Mankrik Server for both Excalibur and SRA and friends! From there we can see what thing’s are looking like on the guild front!

/join silvermoon (Silvermoon in general)

See you there!


Heya Ark!

Head over to the Excal forums to find out where a bunch of us are setting up camp!

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Yup! I hadn’t planned on playing vanilla, mostly because nothing will be able to live up to the actual experience from the day, but I had to hit up this thread to see who’s still around!


I definitely remember reading those three names. Also remember Mythika, Volt, Bruneor, Gelsas, Boldhammer, Ashtar, Geaux, Myrtle, Twyla, Ilo, Lamaril, Acex. Where are are these folks at?

Hey Gwai!

Iyllwei here! Long time! Glad to see things are still going well for ya!


We are probably going to fairbanks alliance.

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Mythika and Volt haven’t played in a while.

Hello All,

Offerbacken - Dwarf Hunter. I was in GOD OF WAR for MC/BWL then switched to raiding with the SRA for BWL/AQ40/Naxx. Was also in the guild Mythic/Mystic Heroes near the end of my previous wow life.

Took a 10 year break mid Wrath xpack and recently returned to BFA. Reconnected with an old Silvermoon hunter friend, Sturmreiter, on Area 52.

I recognize a ton of names posting here. Seeing if any other old friends return…Cromlech, Solemnity, Jerie, Mortifactor, or any of my hunter co-raiders, Ven, leopard, Cookieman, Andii…a few more that i am totally blanking on.

Not sure I have the time to commit to classic these days, but cool to reminisce on those old memories.


Gwai! it’s been like over 10 years! Not sure if you remember, I joined you guys later in vanilla and raided as the bear tank mostly in TBC. Glad the OG guildmaster is still around!

Hey Toaster! I used to be in Tiras as well! wasn’t sure if any of y’all were still around. :smiley: I’m gonna be running a Human priest named Dispel on Atiesh! Hope to see ya around

So nice to see all the familiar faces and names!

Characters: Dispel, Holy, Vulnerable, LadyArcana, LadyKillJoy.

Guilds: Angel, Ministry of Happy, Tiras, Grand Theft Kodo, and I can’t remember the rest.

I’ll be playing Classic on Atiesh as Dispel. Hit me up if you need some heals! :slight_smile:

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Does anyone here remember a warrior named Blacksunn? I always remember seeing him on the IF bridge in full tier gear of that current raid phase with thunderfury and his AQ mount. I was just a kid back then and always admired him lol.

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I remember Blacksunn. I also remember fawning over him. I believe he was richest on the server for a while, he always had sulfuron hammer on the AH for thousands, and he was the main person selling high-end blacksmithing items.
There was one hunter who might have been richer than him, Ham something, but he was a richie rich. I thought he was one of the coolest warrs on the server as a 14yo scrub xD

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Eyo, it’s Magos. Glad to see one Divinity member so far!

Magos; Shadow Walkers, The Vermins (Rip Serpicool), Meteorain, Divinity.

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I made my priest on Atiesh Toasterbrave is the name however I am in Europe now so I may or may not be online during peak US hours

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