Hey Magos, I was in Meteorain too. I played a hunter named Pureshot.
Was the GM Daphonic? I cant really remember
Hey Magos, I was in Meteorain too. I played a hunter named Pureshot.
Was the GM Daphonic? I cant really remember
Yep he was. Divinity was born out of it after some drama with Daphonic and the guild bank. Hell Meteorain was created by merging a guild I forget it’s name (Night Priest was the leader, joined 2 weeks before the merger lol) and Daphonic’s guild. The members kinda blur together but I recall:
Laws, Gronky, Maija (spelling iirc?), Dilya (spelling iirc?), Unitus (might have been Divinity), Mckenna (heh him trolling the horde and his Kermit the Frog voice). @Smackdaddy were you the raid leader in the vanilla days? I remember it was a NE hunter.
I am trying to remember who said it (Gunzo? Rollinggnome?) but “Don’t smoke the chronic or you’ll end up like Daphonic” still just pops in my head randomly 10 years later.
I was a NE hunter yes. And Daphonic was a nutcase lol.
One of the guilds came out of Meteorain was Dellerium Trigger. I was sort of Co-GM but I can’t remeber for the life of me who else helped lead
Hey Thorn dont know if you remember me as Fayoden/Gromiz or my brother Tim who played Oldcorps as mage. But Tim says he know you and we will be playing classic on Server -Mankirk, let know know whats up thx.
Rog - Human Warlock
Guild: Gloomy Bears (now defunct)
Our guild will be re-rolling on Myzrael with a new guild name.
The tiny guild that held a few community-events like scavenger hunts, lowbie races and duel-tournaments. Plus we had the Silvermoon Update as my attempt to do a server-news site. Most of our core-members (including Sakkara and Sarath) will be returning for Classic WoW as our main MMORPG choice (none of us are much for retail).
Nostalgia is fun, but we’ll be looking to make new friends as well as seeing anyone from Silvermoon. We’re all-in for Classic.
Hey yes do!!! it will be awesome to catch up =D
Boyyyy do I ever. That guy was an odd duck.
NE druid healer named Ferrin.
Raided briefly before TBC with a group called Fireside. Was in a guild called Dreamscape.
Salamengel, Paladin was in Dissonance and Eight Immortals before that. Think I was 3rd or 4th Grand Marshal on the server.
Dang it’s Triplehelix! Biggest boss tank ever.
I’m still in touch with some others from Dissonance and some are gonna play on Ateish server. I will probably roll there too.
Someone was asking about Ashtar. He had transfered to Arathor. We did a lot of arena together in BC, but I haven’t seen him since late BC/early Wrath.
Hi there, I don’t have contact with every member of the old Fireside crew but I have contacted one of the members. He will ask a few others if they have contact with the person you’re looking for.
Hi Trip! I used to go by the name of Spirthunter. We moved over to Arathor after our split from Disso. I only have contact details for a few of the names you’ve listed. None of which currently play the game but I can get you in contact with them just the same.
I am going PVP this time around as I found that, that’s what I most enjoyed in the game. I’ll add you on battle.net though so we can keep up. See you in classic! I need your ID again please lol.
@magos @veramoz
This is Daphonic btw, not sure why I can’t change from this Character on the Forums to my Warrior. I can confirm, Was nut case back then.
Has anyone heard from Laws or Gronky since then? Would love to know what happened to those guys.
Hey! I heard they are still active from a random on Reddit who’s still on their Discord. Divinity is still a guild if I Google it so I assume they’re still playing.
Left Divinity in early-TBC and I quit WoW in the first two weeks of WotLK so unsure after that.
I do not see anyone I recognize yet but I made a few toons on Mankirk
NE-War Kosmosu
NE-Druid - Eledune
Human warlock - Lockedheart.
Whispen from Qiraji (miss my Aussie buddies). I know you Krystallic (duckoquack), but not sure anyone else’s name rings a bell. Also played as Whispie (paladin) and Xexis (warlock) with Clouded Minds in BC.
Man, I still remember you with that Tier 1 warrior set and running around in the MC. It’s being a long time.
Do you still remember our guild master? Is she still playing?
Arclyte - NE Druid from Ictus Fulminis.
Fond memories of carousing with guildy Icaruss, mostly trash talking him during raids. believe I was in SRA3. With Dugoramama and others
Hey Toecrud, played a night elf warrior back then, was still named Stan. Raid alliance was called SMURF ( SIlvermoon Ultimate Raiding Fun) I think lol.
Yoooooo it’s Starflower. =)