If you’re gonna be dumb, you’ve gotta be tough.
there should be a work around the punishment received for being reported?
Amazes me how many sock puppet threads rile up so many people and get so much attention without the OP making a single follow up response.
yea imagine not posting on the wow forum for a whole 7 hours
OP, is that you on your other sock puppet?
Someone forgot to switch back to the other sock puppet toon!
That’s the problem. I was not abusive or vulgar. Disruptive, maybe to some.
The point being though. There is no way to effectively get into a PUG grp.
Even so, groups aren’t always on Discord. It goes back to being in a PUG.
Then late game raiding-- DBM has announcement timers that effectively do not work since /say is disabled.
I feel that All chat minus /say should be muted for the duration of the sentence.
Post your nonsense here.
I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting to know the truth in what happened.
People just right-click report because it’s available and takes no effort. Don’t make waves in chat and you won’t have problems. This especially goes for RDF and BGs
t. “never been muted” but snitched on many chat ragers for a good laugh
I speculate there is zero review from Blizzard staff, it’s fully automated based on the number of rightclick-reports from our fellow players
Pretty sure I know who the OP is and he’s on ignore.
He’s a complete waste of time.
PUGs use discord. All the time.
Yeah. After you message them in game and get invited to the raid with the discord.
I’m not a waste of time. That is not very nice to say. Plus… who are you? At least post on your main toon.
truth is-- was linking a twitch stream of a buddy. Thats all. Wasn’t vulgar, abusive or rude. Disruptive? Depends on who you ask.
I’ll accept the consequences. It is in fact a game. I was just saying, being silenced in end game content effectively locks you up and can’t do much. RFD helped yes.
Imagine if you’re in a guild that is dying or with little members that come online, and you want to run a heroic daily. You can’t. There is no option to message or create a group for it. You can randomly invite people to group, but then there is no way to convey your intentions. Then you could leave the guild, but there is no way to get into a new guild without talking.
RDF helps but silenced = no late game content.
Silenced = forced break from game.
All I am saying is, look at account history and implement a communications ban on all talking except /say.
That’s what you probably got nailed for.
Probably. Now I know.
Discord didn’t exist in Vanilla. So no, it hasn’t been this way since Vanilla.
I can tell from this string of posts why some of you are silenced… a strong sense of… I am right and if you disagree you are wrong because I am me and you are you…
Just get over yourselves already and you wont be silenced in game all the time.
I hear some people use Discord.
Discord came out in 2015.
I’m referring to classic.
Thats my point. Unless youre already in a discord server. There is no effective way to join a PUG.
Have you considered joining a guild?
I got silenced for a week on classic a few months ago because after the latest patch trolls and orcs were not allowed to enter brd…i was the level for brd on my undead priest i put the message “LFM BRD need tank and dps, no orcs or trolls allowed pst” bam a week silenced it made me realize classic community had become toxic af