Silenced=no late game

the point of a punishment is for you to not get confortable

Working as intended, the goal is to punish you but it gives you some liberty like doing your auctions, etc which is better than having no access at all. Maybe try to learn from it and avoid getting silenced next time?


It’s crazy that people feel entitled to communication despite willingly doing things that get them silenced. Try not being a pest?


The silence is an automated thing…no human looks at it…

You can be silenced for a week for saying pineapples belong on pizza…at least on wotlk you can still do rdf n level an alt… in classic you basically cant do anything cant inv people cant talk to anyone outside of party or guild and basically cant run pug dungeons as you cant tell them invite.

It is an absolutely moronic system that makes it so you dont want to chat unless absolutely necessary as you can be silence for anything in an mmo

It’s almost as though they are punishing your bad behavior.

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You’re going to get a lot of people saying “well just don’t do that.” And fair, you shouldn’t be doing stuff to get yourself silenced. But I don’t think the intent of silencing as a punishment is to interfere with your ability to do dungeons and raids, rather it’s to prevent you from using a feature you abused. So I think there’s room for compromise. People make mistakes after all (and some people even learn from them), punishments should be keyed to the degree of the infraction.

I think a reasonable solution would be a limited form of communication, like letting you select from a predefined list of words and phrases that cover basic gameplay-related communications. It wouldn’t be without precedent; FF14’s auto-translate function works exactly like this. If someone found a way to abuse this system, then they could get full-silenced and that’d be on them.

Or sometimes people are reported for the same/similar behavior that others are doing, and those who aren’t reported do not get silenced. It isn’t always obvious what can lead to a chat suspension, but afaik, it isn’t permanent either.


Words to live by


He can always use discord. Unless he got himself banned there as well.

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There is a work around in place.
It is called conduct yourself in a manner that won’t get your silenced.

This is a case of “But if not for your own actions”.


He even admitted he promoted his buddy’s twitch stream which is a clear violation of ToS… so this is precisely what happened.

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Regardless, being silenced effectively ruins endgame content outside of a guild. Thats the whole point of the post.

There is no way to tell someone that creates a raid/dungeon for an invite.

The OFI is-- depending on the abuse of the chat, that should be the channel. E.g., in my case, disable all chat channels outside whispers. This would include:

Having the ability to whisper is important for end game. Talking in trade/general not so much

Maybe think before you type?

You agreed to their rules when you signed the CoC agreement at log in.
We all know the possible consequences of acting like a jerk in the game.

That said, I personally do not think that the consequences are high enough.
I have seen people rage in BG’s and telling healers to go delete themselves IRL, and rage with the most horrid racist remarks I have ever heard.

That sort of behaviour should get a person banned/silenced.

Maybe chill on whatever it was you said that got you silenced, and reflect on your own words and actions.


Yeah, like maybe don’t advertise for your guild run on Thursday in /LookingForGroup, since that’s only for groups that are forming right now!

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I apologize, but what are you talking about? I have NEVER posted a guild ad looking for runs… are you sure you are talking to the right person?
In fact, I am literally the ONLY member of this guild, and I am not recruiting for anything lol.

I received a chat silence for advertising for guild in /LookingForGroup when Wrath first launched.

Or rather for being reported for doing so.

How often did you spam it? Isn’t there a gap between how long to can comment or say something?

Maybe if it was spammed every 2 minutes like a lot of recruiters for guilds try to do (saw one like 2 days ago, that posted an ad looking for new members every 2 minutes for over an hour), then maybe people reported it as spam?

I didn’t spam it, but I won’t go into detail, and I don’t wish to discuss it, because that’s against the Forum CoC.

Discussing Disciplinary Actions

This category includes:

  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Anyway, my point is that sometimes people get a chat suspension for something that seems pretty harmless.


Oh I agree! The system needs an over haul for sure. I have seen some of the most horrible things said in Bg after Bg and have also seen people in your situation get a chat ban :frowning:

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Average warcraft player completely flabbergasted that actions have consequences and believes there should be a way around this.