Silenced=no late game

Being silenced in WotLK effectively ruins the account. The game is built around communication. There is basically no way to get into a group to run raids or heroics. How can you join a raid without talking outside of guild?

With the introduction of RDF, you can find a grp. Outside of that, there is really no way to play the end game since you can’t talk.

There should be a work around.


Then stop doing things to get yourself silenced.


You do realize 90% of all communication happens in discord now and not in game, right?
Go to your server discord channel and you’ll find plenty of players to talk to (both guilded and not guilded).
And if you’re doing end game stuff, you’re not doing it without some guild help. Even PuGs are usually created in discord now.
Its been that way since vanilla. RDF didn’t change a thing.
This isnt 2009.

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Have you considered not doing things that get you silenced?


It really is a choice. I get suspended a couple times a year on the forums but have never gotten silenced in wow. I don’t care if I get a forum suspension but I don’t want to be silenced in game. It’s easy to not get silenced if you don’t want to.


Play dumb games, win dumb prizes.

:point_up: :point_down:



So… go to discord… and you won’t be silenced.

I get that my reply was a whole paragraph with more than two sentences, four in fact, and that’s too long for some people to pay attention. But in the second sentence I wrote

Let me accentuate the relevant part of the sentence: but have never gotten silenced in wow. I hope that helps, but if I may suggest, read some books to deal with your problem reading and understand paragraphs that are four or more sentences long. Actual novels, even teen novels like Harry Potter will probably be too much for you to handle, but I think you can likely read comic books. It would be a good place for you to start. Good luck!


You mean the global mute thing? You used to have to do some pretty extreme stuff to be hit with that, and you’re doing it often enough that it’s impacting your ability to play the game? Good lord…


being silenced should have consequences - so people actively try to not be silenced.


nope you deserved it byee


If you are silenced, it’s for a good reason.
And given how you responded, I see why you have been silenced.
PS: You forgot to switch over to your sock puppet.


I think it’s a good thing you’ve been silenced. There’s enough toxicity in the game as is.


If you want to offend people, you should just compliment them for what they lack.

It hurts a lot more.

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Good reason, bad reason, I don’t care. The rules are unbelievably stupid. Like I said I have never been silenced in wow, but I have been silenced on the forums. The reason is that it’s easy to not get silenced. I don’t get silenced in the game because I choose not to do anything that might get me silenced. I get a couple of suspensions on the forum because I don’t care about the forums. Except for pissing off stupid people on the forum. I really like doing that. As you noted with my response to you I have a really low tolerance for stupidity.

I think the evidence is clear. You enjoy toxicity or you wouldn’t keep posting to me. Don’t worry though. We don’t kink shame here.


people love to talk about how mmo’s suck now but nobody brings up moderation. its a huge factor as to why mmos are so soulless these days.

this is coming form someone whos never been silenced. my account has never been actioned in any way.


There is a work around, its called not getting silenced in the first place. Ive seen how people talk in /2 or /4. They are deserving of their silence.



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Let me guess, you used “gamer words” in chat?