Silenced Players Can’t Apply to Groups?

I honestly think punishment isn’t as effective as positive reinforcement like they have in FF14,

Like in FF14 I admit when I don’t get a commendation, I ask myself, okay maybe that person didn’t find my jokes very funny so try to do better next time

A year is no light punishment. While I do think that some forum mods have an absolutely awful idea of what constitutes trolling or abuse in some cases (with some ridiculous examples of action, and non-action), I have a hard time believing that that large of a punishment doesn’t have some justification, and couldn’t be lifted under appeal if unjustified.


Seriously, are you guys being paid?


I think you literally just made his point.

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Tbh, in this day and age there’s no “right” way to go about it. Most people who get into a situation like this gets there out of sheer unwillingness to improve as everything you could ever want to know about how to play this game is readily available as there’s a literal monetary incentive to produce that content.

So even being politely told they’re doing something wrong will end up in said person being offended as in their own mind, they’re not. At that point might as well try to argue with a brick, and the pug world is made of bricks.

Exceptions may happen but its very, very rare.

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Oof for truth.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you here, Rahnek. I just found it sort of ironic Nui mentioned it’s not necessary to usually tell someone they are bad or underperforming (let’s be real as you mentioned earlier, nine times out of ten this is going to go over poorly when you say something unsolicited). Rev’s immediate response was telling him to do more difficult content.

It was just sort of ironic.

Personally, unless someone in a pug group asks for help, I don’t tell them if they are bad or not nor give advice. Because you’re right, it often will go over poorly.


Yep, been there got burnt a few times, never bothering again. Much more effective to improve yourself enough to surround yourself with people where its a non-issue instead.


Good thing I don’t do group content.

Yeah if I find myself in a bad group (whether it’s low damage, struggling healer, annoying butt-pulls, etc) I usually don’t say anything about my teammates… I just leave.

Only thing you will see in the chatbox:

“Vote with your feet” is the BiS solution, no need to say anything or bring up a pug player’s low DPS numbers, nobody’s “feeeewings” get hurt :joy:

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New bully on the block, same as the old.

If they’re going to deputize everyone they better put some effort into making sure everyone is accountable if they abuse that power.


If, on review, they find that the reports are false, the initiating party (or parties) should get the silence. Might cut down on the false reports.

On top of that, people who get reported could “Accept the penalty without review” or let someone review it, resulting in the silence being doubled if they are actually found at fault.


Whats dat? players are mad they got silenced and can’t form/join groups . If they care of nobody , nobody cares of their feelings either . An outlier of it being abused does not defend their actions. No point of playing the game for group content if you can’t actually socialize with your group.


This reminds me of religious fanaticism. We can’t tolerate a blasphemy on the new order of tolerance WokeCarthyism, you must be blacklisted.

You should take a close look at the historical company you keep if you feel justified in punishing disagreeable speech.

Can someone write a list of what we are allowed to say and what we are not allowed to say in order to avoid getting silenced?

I mean it was okay when you had to be a REAL racist/sexist runt to cop backlash, but these days, I feel it’s just become too subjective, people are getting offended over every little thing…

Ugh, I hope this won’t exacerbate the key ditching problem…

Not usually an issue unless someone is actively trying to get carried by others.

Timed over 200 keys this season, can only think of 1 or 2 times where that happened (not taking mutual agreement disbands into account).

load of rubbish.

that stupid streamer wouldn’t know up from down.
stop believing all the lies he feeds you.

all silences are reviewed by a human before being applied.


Going down the slippery slope! Soon if you type blizz, devs + bad, sucks, quitting, idiots or any related synonyms we will get silenced.

I mean if it lacks butter, cheese, or garlic… kinda?

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