Silenced for using the trade chat "Services" to promote my service

If a GM reviews this and disagrees with the original assessment, it will be overturned.

That’s what appeals are for.

Your realm mates felt this was spammy, they reported you.

Just from the standpoint of a player, you might find it helpful to use more than just one macro. Change them up. It is very easy for someone to see the same line going past repeatedly and get annoyed - hence the reports.


I hope you’re right, and i’m sure you understand my concern when i know and see that appeals can take longer than punishment duration to get resolved.

You don’t need to get a warning to get an account penalty. The warning we all get is the EULA and Policies we agree to, that say not to spam chat.

Other players not using the right report category does not change the fact that we can’t spam. There is no rule that says you need to get a warning at all before a penalty.


I you have access to the logs, i’m sure you know that wasn’t looking like spam in anyways.
From a player point of view, it was litterally hidden in the 100s of messages that was going on, only to appear 5min later when i reconnected to that specific server.

This is obviously abusive reporting, hence the wrong category.

I agree and i wasn’t spamming. My whole process was this :
Connect to a server, use my macro
Connect to another, use my macro
— wait some minutes
Come back to the first server.

Can anyone tell me how this is spam, without just saying, it is because blizzard stated so.
If i write a message every 5 minutes, this is not spam, period.

again i was veeeery careful about that because i knew this could happen.
Logs can corroborate my sayings.

Orlyia stated what she sees on her end, even give a general issue she see:


I would bet money you were on connected servers so what you thought was a message to one server (I assume using some sort of group to server hop?) was actually repeats.

My server is actually something like 4 or 5 combined. There is no “single server” chat. We all see whatever is in the combined channel.

Also, keep in mind you can’t advertise on servers you are not going to play on and do the run on.

Right now what Orlyia sees is the messages being in the same chat channel, not separate hence the reports.

If a GM see something else on a second look they will reverse it.


You also want to make sure that the characters you’re using to advertise are of appropriate level to be running the content you’re advertising. That is part of the terms of being able to sell runs, so if you’re advertising on a level 10 that can’t be running a mythic + carry, you’re going to be reported on that too. That could also be raising red flags as to why people are reporting you.


i’m sorry i’ll have to try and find fun with the release now despite being unable to interact with players in a MMO. I really hope this looked with attention, this shouldn’t happen. Especially not now.

No i litteraly created different characters, and i made sure to check this page for connected realms. Again i was very careful :

Just because there is a release does not mean punishments aren’t meted out.

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So whatever i’m saying, i’m guilty. And i guess i won’t have chat logs provided this time. That’s great.

Have a nice day.

Well, it seems you weren’t. Posting a correct subject for the channel does not mean you can do it as much as you want. You still have to follow all the other rules.

This. And I would also recommend dropping the whole “I’ll level you faster” routine. You’re going to be 60, running with other 60’s. Any claim that you can level faster for a price is not going to be looked at favorably.

Quite honestly, it simply sounds like a scam from the start. Not saying you are trying to scam, but from the perspective of someone seeing this message? I wouldn’t want to see it, either, even if it was posted in the correct channel.

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Excellent point, Leilleath - hadn’t even looked at the character.

Level 1

That’s a whole different thing, and subject to quite a bit harsher penalty. You don’t want to be advertising like that on a character that can’t perform the action. Probably best this was for primarily spamming.


Where can i find text that state this exactly ? cause i didn’t. Are we supposed to guess the rules ? Am i supposed to level up 20s of level 60 to advertise in a connected world ?

They recently changed the rules to include you can only advertise a service like that on the character that will perform/participate in the run.

If they aren’t/can’t be in the run, you can’t advertise on that character.


OK i didn’t know, i deserve it then. 7 days silence feel harsh giving my situation but well what can i do.
You might want to add that to the ToS, people are doing the same thing as me and don’t spent much time in those forums.

In addition to this, the language is quite clear about communities operating across multiple realms. Moving to multiple realms to advertise your community would be contrary to that rule, as well.


I’m a one person community, not sure it’s applying.

Then, definitely report them when you see them. It’s not allowed for anyone.


I won’t, i don’t find it annoying that people are advertising small business as long as it is not benefiting RMT other than Blizzard token. But you do you.

I litterally wanted to provide a fair service for people who didn’t wanna level their dragon, and i know there are because there was plenty on the beta. I guess sites that promote the same boost for real money remained untouched but someone breaking an obscure rule lost in the forum is.

I won’t hide, this make me bitter.