Silenced for using the trade chat "Services" to promote my service


Earlier in the evening i got reported for “abusive langage” while i was advertising a boost service IN GOLD in the trade chat (Services) like it’s supposed to be as stated here :,who%20operate%20across%20multiple%20realms.

I submitted a ticket as i feared to be silenced for doing something totally legitimate.

I just got silenced for a week, again for abusive language, which obviously i was very careful to be the most cordial i could possibly be in my advertising.

Can you check that out, you can imagine that this is very annoying and i obviously suspect competitors. Blizzard promise us to change, i’d like to get a proof of that.

I know this is release night, so you’ll have tons of work. And so i thank you for your consideration, hope you’ll have a good night and hope i’ll have my ability to group with people in the coming week.

Best regards.

A loyal blizzard customer.

EDIT : Silence have been overturned, thanks to GM Sniekia. This was a mistake from the first GM (or automated ban ? Hard to not believe it)

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You’ll need to submit an appeal ticket


The only thing you can do is appeal.

It should be noted these are not things that get reported and you get immediately silenced or suspended, it may have happened from interactions from days ago.


I already submitted an appeal, even before being silenced because i knew i was the target of abusing reporting.

I won’t do another appeal, i’ll just keep this one open since Blizzard is stating to not duplicate appeals.
I’m obviously really concerned when i see that some tickets take days to resolve, it’s a release day, you can’t have players unable to groups because people are abusing a system…

I can provide everything obviously since i was very careful to only advertise through macros which is easily seen in the logs.

Yes, they are easily seen.

We can also see the timestamps on the reports.

Looks like this was upheld as spam. When you do the same macro 2, sometimes 3 times within the same minute, that is a bit spammy.

Your appeal is open, but it may be a few days before it comes up in queue.


No one can abuse the system, if you got a silence it is because a Blizzard employee looked at the reports and actioned the account. Now that isn’t to say that a Blizzard employee can’t make a mistake, but if you were silenced it is NOT automated.


I will also note that advertising in the correct channel is still subject to all the other rules, including spam.

It doesn’t matter who they were. If your chat is being silenced by Blizzard, then they agreed that you weren’t following the rules. It doesn’t matter if one person reported you or 1,001. It doesn’t matter if they are competitors or your best friend in the world.

Could there be a mistake? Sure, and that’s why you should appeal it. But who reported you, and their motives, are irrelevant. The only thing that is relevant is your chat, and whether it violated the rules or not.

Proof of what? If you have any suggestions, then you’ll need to leave that feedback in the appropriate forum, probably General in this case. Beyond that, there’s nothing that they need to “prove” to you, or any player.


I really can’t believe that when all i was doing was advertising on multiple servers once every 5 min (is it considered spam ?); this message :

/6 You want a maxed dragon as soon as possible (very useful as gatherer), i lend you my service. See [Join: Dragon Glyphs Boost] for details. Book your spot now ! Community code : aWWGLgmCKMK

Can a blizzard employee really make a mistake about that ? or are we promoting something false about squelsh/silence automation ?

I know there are logs that are supposed to be provided when silenced. That show you the exact messages and timestamps.
If provided to me i can have a proof that i didn’t use abusive language since at least 2 years.

They do not provide logs. They may provide a snippet of the conversation, but you are incorrect in this instance.


There is absolutely NO automation with the silence. You might get a squelch which takes many reports in a short time from multiple accounts, that simply squelches the account until Blizzard can look into it. You were silenced and that is NOT automated. The squelch system has been around for years and years it is not new.

From what Orlyia posted it seems that you were silenced for spamming. If that is the case it doesn’t look like there was an error made, but you are welcome to wait for you appeal to see if one was made.


Ok yes, snippets of conversation, that’s what i meant. I know because i was already silenced and reinstated in the past. I know what is the process, we’re talking semantics here, sorry that english isn’t my native language.

I was not silenced for spamming, the mail is stating black on white : “Abusive language”, not “Spam”. I can provide a screenshot but i’m sure you don’t need it.

This was for your ad, Yiuyipan - but not for the ad itself, more for the frequency of it.

The category likely wasn’t changed. That may have been the reports, but that’s not why it was upheld. You’ll want to wait on your appeal for a second set of eyes to look at it.


Why is the mail stating : “Abusive language” ? You know well, as i do that you have a “Spam” category.
Why was i warned about abusive language, when it was about spam ?
How can i modify my behaviour with wrong informations ? Do you feel it’s right ?

Is a message every 5min in the city trade chat spam to you ? really ?

So you have informations about Blizzard mistakenly giving me the wrong information ?

Meaning that the people reporting you didn’t bother to go for 100% accuracy and likely it was simply an overlook by the GM applying the silence.


Again I’ll emphasize what you were just told…

You were doing it two or three times a minute, not once every five from what Orlyia could see. Regardless of the categorization, this is spam. Once every 10 minutes could even be considered spam. It depends on how your realm mates decide they want to report and what they will tolerate. You would have gotten the same sanction for abusive language since these are social infractions.


And that’s ok ?
A customer is warned about abusive language, create a ticket about abusive reporting and still get banned for Abusive language without ever knowing that his frequency was too fast is ok ?

Two or three times a minute is a gross exageration, and it’s not taking into account that even if it was the case, it was on different servers = different trade chats. How is that qualifying as spam ?

Yes, the GM that applied the silence selected the wrong category. The confusion is understandable in that sense, but it doesn’t change the action. Spamming is still against the rules.

OK to make a mistake? Yes, it is. The GM’s are human. It happens.

This is why you were given the clarification by Orylia.


It’s a mistake, it isn’t that deep. You aren’t being sent to the Hauge. It was reported and actioned, you have an appeal in and they will look at it. What the category states isn’t really important. Yes that can be mistakenly not changed, however it isn’t a big deal and certainly isn’t worthy of this:


I really don’t want to escalate any tension here, but this feel really injust when i was making sure i was not breaking the rules and still got punished nonetheless.

This time i’m seeking support, i was doing everything according to the rule, at no point in the evening i was warned about a potential spam behaviour so i had no way of knowing what was i doing wrong.

I really hope this is getting looked into.

There is no reason for Orlyia to lie, the logs show that it was two or three times a minute. How are you posting an ad on different servers tow or three times a minute? The logs would not show the ad as posted two or three times a minute if they were being posted on different servers.