Silence Appeal doesn't work **UNSUBBED**

This isn’t a place for misinformation and opinions, I’m sorry.


Not a good idea to start trolling here, the Customer Support forum is often a heavy moderated forum.


Why do you take anything you disagree with as trolling? Seriously. I said nothing offensive and am just trying to offer an alternative viewpoint for OP, which is what forums are for. Y’all are literally proving the point of both OP and myself.

I disagree because your opinion is incorrect information. It’s trolling because what you posted is untrue, and your personal belief rather than fact. It’s not something that needs to be posted for someone else to see and then we’re stuck with more people spouting nonsense when that misinformation spreads. That is what makes it trolling.

That’s what the Community forums are for, like General Discussion or Quests or the myriad class and realm forums.

Not the Support forums. Technically, this thread isn’t supposed to be here as discussing account actions isn’t permitted.


Alternative facts are not real. They are misinformation otherwise known as falsehoods.

This forum is an Information Desk that helps people navigate the Support System, answer policy questions, explain how various services work, etc.

It is not a place for opinions - if you don’t actually know how a system works it is best to refrain from comment.

If you want to suggest it work differently, the Community Managers take feedback on the General Forums. Forum Support Agents only deal with current policy, they don’t pass on feedback.


Why is this post here available for anyone to respond to if they aren’t supposed to be able to chime in with their opinions, aka what a forum is designed for?

I did not share “alternative facts.” But this is clearly just an echo chamber, so have a nice night.

It’s a weekend and a forum that isn’t staffed 24/7. It will very likely be dealt with when someone gets in the office on Monday, maybe sooner if someone’s unlucky enough to work tomorrow.

So, as I said in my post, discussion takes place in the Community forums, not the Support forums.

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When people realized that getting someone silenced takes a few clicks, people became much more trigger happy with the report button. This is not the place to discuss specific incidents, but I think the auto-silence system definitely needs a rework. It’s a super scuffed system and a prime example why true democracy should never works in an anonymous system.

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No one has realized such a thing because such a thing doesn’t exist, lucky for us.

Silencing only ever takes one click, and always at the hands of a game master. All the players can do is generate a report for them to look at and decide.


We should bring this discussion to a topic that the other commenters find “acceptable” because I think this is something that quite a lot of people would be interested in sharing feedback on

Players are automatically silenced when reported x amount of times. This is definitely a real thing.



No, it is not. Asmongold got it wrong, to beat a dead horse.


Explain to me how the silence system works then.

It’s futile replying to that person.

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Feel free to read two posts up of mine.


It is a dead horse.

The Silence system has been in game for a LONG time. If a chat line gets a ton of reports it gets auto Squelched. The system was put in place to deal with gold spammers, or others who are similar.

A Squelch limits the account until a GM can review it.

A SILENCE is applied by the GM after reviewing the logs. Silence penalties started well after the Squelch system…and they stack. Each subsequent one is double the duration.

So no, you can’t get Silenced from a bunch of reports. BUT it can push the report up the priority queue for GM review.

P.S. Asmon proved that a bunch of reports get a squelch. On GM review he got a SUSPENSION for abusing the report system. Not just a Silence.


Thank you for at least attempting to provide a meaningful response.

I do think that there could be some good discussion on the system as a whole, though, just not sure where that should be done.

General Chat is where CMs go for feedback on game systems.

Given the nature of this, and the amount of misinformation about it, posts on GD tend to go south pretty fast. Trolls, muh free speech, etc.

Most can’t actually discuss the policy objectively and constructively.

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Pardon me for not using the correct vocabulary. The term I was looking for was squelch. How can you be sure that all squelches are reviewed by GMs? It seems most squelches are delivered and concluded before a GM even has time to review it.