Sign in here if you are tired of seeing Sylvanas

I get home before my SO (who’d watched the cinematic from work). I was told “I wouldn’t like it”.

Mhm. I just… I feel… there’s… I… got no more words for how much I don’t want to see that character anymore. I feel bad for her VA.


Ahh, the “Triggered by Sylvanas” Club.

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She’s beyond MarySue levels. It’s laughable. She solos all of ICC and 1v1 the lich king like it was nothing. Then destroys the helm? Like c’mon, why is she immortal and all powerful. It’s just bad writing. I must say though, I’m glad she didn’t become the new Lich Queen " YASS QUEEN SLAY" Like that god awful retweet official blizard did with some cringe lady.


The problem is called “Mary Sue.” It is a sign of a bad writer, and is also a problem across all of entertainment currently.


THIS! Ten Billion percent.

OP-I’ll sign too.


Quick someone tell Tyrande, Malfurion and Maiev! I see Sylvanas as an incoming raid boss and serves her right for burning our home. As for Bolvar, he must still be level 80, should have boosted to 120 <3

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Signed. Death to the banshee already.

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Don’t worry. She’ll be a loot pinata at some point in the next expansion. Then you won’t have to worry about her anymore.


As someone who likes Sylvanas, and continues to like Sylvanas I understand why some of you are disappointed at this turn of events. I’ve had to put up with terrible writing all through BfA trashing the Forsaken and Sylvanas lore, so I know how it feels to be disappointed with a story direction.

If it bring you any solace, just remember that Sylvanas fans will be punished daily with Queen Calia Menethil of Lordaeron and the Super Best Friends Horde Council and Blanduin. You all have already won.

This was their chance to wipe the slate clean. They could have gone in another direction after the terrible expansion we endured but no, they dug in their heels and are doing more of the same. I am so disappointed by this cinematic. Such a terrible, terrible direction.


Minus Forstmourne of course.

Victory for Sylvanas!!

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These forums really are an unmoderated cesspit. I was in the middle of replying to a thread regarding Sylvanas where the OP was downvoted into oblivion and labeled a troll, and because users have been given the power to decide what is trolling or not, the post was thus removed and the entire thread deleted. The hell is wrong with this place?

I wanted to get my two cents in on this. Now, I was going to say that I agreed with the OP that there should be more gender diversity in storytelling, but even with WoW and its enormous universe of characters, a lot of what’s happening in the story now somehow still manages to feel lopsided, cliché and formulaic.

Sylvanas was a great character when she was the simultaneously neutral and chaotic evil badass, in Wrath of the Lich King; a time when she didn’t directly affect the main characters, or characters who people liked. Now that she’s taken center stage—like any character who receives the spotlight—the writers have scrambled to make her more compelling, and the usual notion is to just corrupt the character or make them do heinous things to get reactions from the audience. With Sylvanas, they’re doing it x10, because she’s a central character who’s been around forever and one of the few compelling characters who is not male.

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not “tired” but bored that it’s either garrosh 2.0 or another dumbed down redemption story arc with a hollywood plot twist.

She is just like Garrosh, but even more annoying. Want to bet Thrall kills her too?

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Look at it this way. Its going to be very satisfying when we finally get to kill her.

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I hope that after the end of this ode to Syl, we can loot Syl’s body, who turns out to be a villain!

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Bfa says hey


Not at all true. Once we land in the Shadowlands (and Ion specifically said Bolvar and his DKs can get us there) there is no need for her for plot advancement. We already know the Maw is the endgame area and the Jailer is the BigBad there. At best she’s a wing one or wing 2 raid boss.

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Yes. So tired of her. Liked the cinematic, but I am over Sylvanas at this point.