Sign in here if you are tired of seeing Sylvanas

yeah thats exactly what i implied

The cinematic alone killed any hope I had of enjoying Shadowlands. I’m sick and tired of looking at Sylvanas and her indestructible plot armor. Not to mention I’ve been eagerly awaiting a Lich King return since WoD only to get this. Safe to say I will continue to spend my time in Classic.


As an Undead main and big fan of Forsaken lore, she needs to go.


I agree, but I’m also tired of Jaina as well.

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At this point, I could write a book about how much I hate Sylvanas.


I spent a month or two in BFA and left and came back for Classic WoW.

So can some one fill me in how Sylvannas got Hercules strength and telekinesis on top of her mystery shadow magic?

At this point I think I just won’t ever leave Classic.


You inspired me to post a song. lol

I Used to Love Her

WHAT?! You don’t love that Sylvanas can beat the Lich king “because”?! What, are you insane?!

Signed. Hard sign.


This must be what people thought of Thrall after Cataclysm.

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Sylvanas fatigue is REAL.

Devs talked about Orc fatigue back in WoD and wanting to avoid it, yet we are looking at the 3rd expansion in a row with Sylvanas here Sylvanas there Sylvanas everywhere


At least Thrall didn’t dominate BC and Wrath going into Cata. In BC he showed up for a questline in Nagrand but took a backseat to the Naruu and stuff. He more or less took a back seat again and let Garrosh and Saurfang handle Northrend.

Sylvanus doesn’t take a backseat to anybody. It’s beyond played out.


Let me know when Jaina gets multiple expansion spotlights from story and cinematics. Also let me know when she can solo the Lich king


True, but most of bfa was a Jaina ego stroke. I’m getting very tired of both really.

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Not to mention how she obliterated a massive stone spoke flying at her with an ARROW.


I used to like her a lot. The fearless leader of an undead nation trying to find its place in the world of the living

Then they made her garrosh 2.0 and are trying to get her out of it without killing her off. They made her character so Unlikeable and unrelatable. She’s power hungry, doesn’t care about her own people anymore, is willing to bomb her own city to “win” and keeps slipping out of situations where she should’ve been killed off

Her plot armor is getting very annoying

Maybe her story would be better if they went at it with an angle of a sad leader just trying to find a place for her undead people. Not a tyrant who wants to drag all of Azeroth into undeath because she doesn’t know how to establish a home for her people in the world of the living


I found her very interesting when she was introduced in wc3 and throughout vanilla to wotlk, but now I would like nothing more than to watch her die.
It’s just being overdone way too much at this point. You can only go so far with plot armor but this is just painful.

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I dont know if I can handle her for the whole expansion, again.


Sylvanus has reached “go away” heat. Look up the wrestler X Pac and “go away heat” if you want to know more about this syndrome.


Wow you don’t like Slyanus? You’re a bigot. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, gurl power. womyn strong! IT’S HER TURN incel

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I don’t see everyone’s problem with her. She has apparently had this agenda ever since we defeated the Lich King. People are so easily dissatisfied that it’s sad. I’m interested in seeing what she truly wants.

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