Sign in here if you are tired of seeing Sylvanas

I’d laugh lol

It would be just the death she deserves

Total meme status

Then there’d be blizz in the back ground:

“sHe’S nOt GaRrOsH 2.0!” :roll_eyes:

10 char

Not that it will matter, as long as they can keep milking their favorite undead cow…


They pretended to listen during BFA by adding “split” in faction. This is beyond anything they have presented so far. Unbelievably dumb.

I hate Sylvanas

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Agree with the OP. Used to love Sylvanas, just really exhausted now with how she keeps easily destroying whatever she wants. Too much plot armor. She just plays with other major powerful lore characters (or even the entire night elf nation) and then easily beats them, usually while smirking and then banshee-winging away. It doesn’t feel immersive at all, because she’s just invincible. I wish they’d go back to WC3 type villains like Arthas and Illidan that could have setbacks and be wounded, or for that matter like Sylvanas herself back in WC3. Nowadays they do it up like Gul’dan where they can just rofl-stomp whatever, can never touch them until blizzard decides. I don’t care for it.

Ehh, I’m not so sure. Could blizz do something like have a wierd, mixed-up redemption arc? I loved Sylvanas up until BfA, I thought she was quite interesting, but the exhaustion from so many villainous acts…it’s just (literal and figurative) overkill at this point. I WANT the satisfaction of giving her justice now, but I just kind of have this really cringe feeling building up that not only will we never get the satisfaction of vengeance for what she’s been doing since BfA, but her story will just have some sort of ride-off-into-the-sunset type end with little closure. I feel like blizz has been trying too hard to game of thrones their story up too much, never provide actual closure, that kind of thing. Look at how BfA is going so far…Azshara doesn’t die, Sylv doesn’t die, hell nobody seems to really die and if you do, it’s just a minor setback like Kael’thas said years ago.

BFA writing probably already has her up there. I mean the super powers are everywhere among the characters. Jaina’s flying ship and, Anduin’s mass Resurrection. Tirion’s final plea to the light is nothing compared to today’s power creep.

Well as long as seeing her again means as a raid boss…

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Doubt it and even more convinced now that Ion explained that she doesn’t work for the Jailer but is in league, she has her own plants and I am sure she will continue on long after. Right now she is the pusher for this story going in for the Jailer and this whole expansion but I am sure they something more in store for her.

  • She’s overused.
  • Her character has become wildly inconsistent. Is she a sly manipulator, or a powerhouse capable of taking out Saurfang or the Lich King?
  • I’m struggling to understand her motivations.
  • I’m sick of being a spectator whilst NPCs do cool things. This is an MMORPG. I want to be a participant in events.

#IRememberTeldrassil :evergreen_tree:

Long live the banshee Queen!!! Lets burn some more hippies and their trees!!!

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/Signed. I used to lover her when she was a complex character rather then an overpowered cartoon villain.

You summed it up better than I

To be honest the fight with Saurfang she pretty much told everyone how much power she obtained.
“You are all nothing” and well as calling everyone little toy soldiers in tin plate.
She had gotten power beyond anything the world had to offer.

Hmm sounds like something the playerbase wants to see…