Sign in here if you are tired of seeing Sylvanas

It looks like sylvanas is on a spiral of self destruction, bent on taking all of us with her.
I was really hoping her sisters could get her back but that seems impossible now.
Fine, do what you want with her but show us some other characters!


IMHO Arthas deserves a Redemption story arc. He didn’t know what he was getting into with Frostmourne. Sylvanas has had plenty of time to think about her actions of her own free will. That makes her a far more evil character by my estimates than him.

Unfortunately since the dude behind her looks like Amon from Starcraft… I have this sick feeling I know where that story will go. It won’t go in a direction the players want, and will continue to be shoved in our face again and again… and again.


Sylvanas is just trying to avoid her afterlife still. Since plan A, to sell us out to N’Zoth for eternal life, went south she’s clearly going to just destroy the afterlife where she would be condemned.

Of course, that will probably not end well either.


especially when Muzahahabagabadoo gets loose.

What would please me would be him getting free (Elune probably is the one who chained him), looking at Sylvanas and then going. “Thank you my dear. Now about that Afterlife…” -noms on Sylvanas soul-


Muahahaha Gazebo is the least of her troubles. It sounds like the four covenants are going to be competing to see who has the honor of bringing her down.

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fanservice elf = money
Blizzard wont stop so soon.

Even though undoubtedly evil, I could see her going somewhere as maybe a compelling villain back in Cata. Now she’s trite and mustache twirling. Done with her after Legion. BfA and it seems Shadowlands are somehow going to make me even more bored/annoyed with her.

She’s done more to hurt any compelling story in WoW than any half-orc half-draenei half-human mage ever could.


Signed. She’s been overdone to … death.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

But yes, constantly putting her front and center does not make the character more interesting. She’s actually less interesting now that she’s out of the shadows. She’s not the sort of character that should ever operate at the center of events.

Blizzard, for goodness sake, move on from this character. Another expansion with her again at the center will break the franchise.


I was so excited to see her get her butt handed to her but no of course not. Blizzards new waifu can do no wrong, has all the powers and she’ll never get more than a tiny scratch.


this is what drawing and quartering is for. A solution all four can be happy with.
but ya Muzongabolooba isn’t her problem, it’ll be our problem

you stop being interesting with these intriguing storylines D:

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You watch your mouth. Some things can’t be taken back.

My hope is that, like Garrosh and Gul’dan before her, she’s just the catalyst for the expansion and not the center of its events.


I love Sylvanas

^ This.

Pretty obvious by now that Blizzard intends to milk Sylvanas for as long as they can.


agree w op

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Sylvanas is the best.

…Oh… my… God…

I figured it out.

Blizzard is going to make her just like Medan! But she’s worse than Medan. How…? We’re killing Sylvanas and she’ll be reborn as a Dragon. Then the playerbase can ride her all the time, just think of how giddy the base will be.

Think about it… A Syl’van Dreamer Mount.

In light of this forums, henceforth we shall simply refer to her simply as Syl’van.

Hey laughter is good medicine. Don’t get salty now.


Yes. To all of the above.


Every time she shows up now its like shes gained 60 new levels and has infinte powers.

It’s pretty crap