*sigh* It's gonna be Genn, isn't it

I believe that part of the release on class restrictions is first part to the next expansion. My theory is that with Draenei falling into using Fel magic Turalyon is see this as the Alliance has lost its way.

It will turn out that Turalyon has been secretly having contact with Yrel from alternate Draenor who has offered to help Turalyon bring back the Alliance to the Light.

The Lightbound has taken over as the alternate universe’s Legion, and has spread over to Azeroth. We must journey through to alternate Azeroth and help stop the Lightbound before they can take over both Universes.

At this point in the story it would make less sense than BfA to have Genn start a faction war.

Genn only cared about killing Sylvanas and driving the Undead from Gilneas. He basically says “The Horde can go Roger themselves for all I care, I want Sylvanas’ head.” at the end of the campaign of BfA when Sylvanas kills Sadfang and flies off.

Now that Sylvanas is in the Maw and Calia has extended the olive branch by ordering the Undead out of Gilneas and returning it to Genn, his story is pretty much complete.

Things have pretty much been pointing at Turaylon this whole time and he is the most expected and logical to go Villain should Blizz need one.

Why would it not be genn? If it’s anyone it should be Genn.

It will be Turalyon and I look forward to it.


Look if anyone was getting villain batted it would be Turalyon. Although right now I feel its a 50-50 chance especially with the faction war dying down.

Maybe maybe not. Alliance heroes have a habit of escaping the villain bat.

No, it’ll be Turalyon the Zealot who was totally fine with his wife being imprisoned. FOR THE LIGHT!

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No,I don’t believe so ,op, he has enough problems coming up with the wild pack in shadowbane keep.

Alleria did not resist, even as members of the Army of the Light led her away to be imprisoned
elsewhere in the Xenedar. Turalyon watched her go. She looked back at him with a reassuring smile.

This is why people should be taught media literacy more. Alleria basically told him, no everything will be fine. Turaylon did not have a choice in the matter. If anything, him trusting his wife will be what will save him.


Id -really- love to see Mekkatorque fly off the deep-end, having the gnomes branch off into a 3rd faction and cleansing the world of ‘Punting-Joke makers.’

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She was less than happy about it, though. And he’s still a zealot.

I’m sorry? Was there a reason for the nastiness?


Did you even read the thing?

**“I wish you could stay.” Turalyon’s words held no anger, only agonizing truth. "Xe’ra will not allow that. **
She will… You have to leave, Alleria. While you still can. You don’t know what she will do."
“I know precisely what she will do. And I know what will come after that.”

Because people keep twisting/ignoring story beat that don’t fit their narrative. There are plenty of things to legitimately use as villain batting fuel for Turaylon. His love for Alleria is not one of them.

If you are doing this as some sort of rp thing/random shtick I am sorry. But otherwise this whole line of thought just feels like nonsense.

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Yes, I did read it. Just because she accepted it and knew she wasn’t supposed to be touching the Void that closely yet, doesn’t mean she was happy about it and was still concerned she’d get locked up again.

I’m not twisting anything. He accepted it. He tried to kill Illidan. He’s a zealot of the Light. Not much different than AU Yrel. :dracthyr_shrug:

I wasn’t questioning his love for his wife. I was simply stating that he accepted her being locked up and then later on gave reassuring excuses for why his Light Mother would be accepting of Alleria later and not lock her up again.

It’s not his love for his wife that is somehow in question. It’s the way he talks about X’era and defended her without a second thought after the matter— in many situations, not just the jail thing.


Also it’s Alleria’s turn to lose a human husband.


If my husband let his creepy night light lock me up while said night light was writing fanfiction and obsessing over Illidan of all people, I’d be pretty upset. I’d also be mad Illidan stole my kill.


Hope so. Got old seeing a Horde leader going cray cray every couple years :crazy_face: :popcorn:

I don’t think she was concerned at all and already had a plan. Hence the reassuring smile to Turalyon.

The operative word, tried. He still ultimately focused on the more important goal of dealing and continued working with Illidan.

He accept her being locked up because Alleria said she knew what was going to happen and even reassured him it was her plan.

My belief is he did honestly think that Xe’ra would not be so petty as to deal with Alleria, especially considering we heroes who were using everything from the void to fel to undeath were dealing with the Legion. And if worse did come to worse, I think he would have struck down Xe’ra if he really had to.

No the gnomes will invade SW and we will the kind of Alliance!

I’m all in for it being Aysa Cloudsinger. :dracthyr_lulmao:

It’s possible!

He didn’t really want to, though. He just didn’t have a choice after he got yelled at.

That I don’t believe. I think he’s fully indoctrinated into the Light from that one.

It’s also good storytelling for the nuance. Because you’ve got Velen who was taught by Illidan that blind faith is bad. You’ve got Anduin who is learning that there are grey areas and not just black and white, aka Light and Void. You’ve got Alleria who taught the Void Elves that it’s not evil, just a different path.

All of this leads to zealots against non-zealots.

You can have faith in the Light and it doesn’t have to be blind faith, ignoring all else.

But if Turalyon is met with an AU Yrel (pulled from the timeline by the Light to save her and continue their crusade) and they begin a crusade, it’s going to create a lot of good back and forth between the two sides and with his wife. (This is all just theory, of course, and simply my idea of storyline.)

Can she save him in the end from his blind faith and teach him the balance between the two and how both can be good or bad? We don’t know! But it would be compelling if done correctly.

Genn is annoying and headstrong and bloodhungry, man has no diplomacy. I wouldn’t be sorry to see him go.