*sigh* It's gonna be Genn, isn't it

When WoW finally gets an “Alliance Leader goes off the deep end so the Horde has to help Alliance rebels stage an intervention” expansion

It’s gonna end up being Genn…isn’t it.


Should have been Genn in BfA, it would have saved the entire expansion’s narrative.


Or Tyrande; I mean, the entire point of the Night Warrior (who I still think should’ve been Maiev but that’s a different topic) was going off the deep end.


I was always thinking something like this:

  1. Genn stages a coup, locks up Anduin “for his own good while I sort things out”.
  2. The Alliance splits, some (like Tyrande) favor Genn’s approach. Others want to restore Anduin to power.
  3. Who do the players side with? The assertive faction or the cooperative faction, vis-a-vis the Horde?
  4. Genn attacks and destroys Undercity. Sylvanas burns Teldrassil in response. (What is Tyrande’s reaction to that? Does she blame Genn, or double down on his anti-Horde stance?)

Tyrande can be a key figure in this regarding her reactions to Genn’s policies and the results of those policies. I’m not sure that a mirror scenario would be as compelling.

But it was a huge wasted opportunity to do more with the Alliance characters and set up a lot of intrigue.


No because he’ll blame whatever he does on the Horde again and everyone will believe him like Teldrassil would of been completely justified as a response to Genn’s attack on the Horde during legion if well it didn’t end with this

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Ahh yay Genny boy! Good on him I say.



Blizzard’s whole BfA storyline was so bad, there are no words to describe it.

Especially since they had that short story between her and Saurfang where she explained in great detail why they SHOULDN’T destroy Teldrassil.

But then Elf Lady said something mean to her and we get BURN IT.


No. I don’t believe so… And I hate to say it because I’m 99% sure the character it will be is my favorite character in the lore pre-legion…

Turalyon. I think with him being so favored by nobility and being such a strong leader in Anduins absence it’s only a matter of time before he becomes more and more of a religious zealot.

Think a more outwardly even mannered Garrosh but instead of being racist he will be classist. Those not practicing the light being condemned. The only thing keeping him slightly in check being his wife.

I think he could possibly be a big problem.


Probably not, probably Turalyon.


Yeah, Genn would definitely have made more sense for that situation. I was thinking more if BfA had started the same.

I had similar ideas about a better way to start the war with the division happening a bit later.

  1. We beat Legion; there is much rejoicing.
  2. Genn convinces Anduin its only a matter of time until Sylvanas gets froggy.
  3. The Alliance attacks UC to try to put the Horde in a weak enough position to keep her in check (the idea being that she won’t start a fight she doesn’t think she can win).
  4. Horde retaliates at the tree.

From there, Tyrande goes off the deep end and Anduin has to fight a war he started but didn’t really want. As a bonus he doesn’t know if he can really trust his closest advisor and the other leaders don’t know if they can trust his judgement either. Alli players could pick between his side (fight but try to end it as soon as possible) and Tyrande (blood for blood).

The Horde would have a better internal struggle as well. The other leaders still wouldn’t necessarily approve of Sylvanas’ methods but they’d have to view them under the lens of her trying to win a war she didn’t start or directly provoke.


Yep, that sounds good, too.

So much wasted potential, by Blizzard…


100% expect him to try to “Cleanse the wickedness from the Horde and Alliance” and even his wife turns against him.

Could easily see a pre-patch event with the Army of the Light arriving on Azeroth, intent to take over the Sunwell, as they see it as a “Source of the Light,” with the 3 Windrunner Sisters reuniting to defend Quel’thalas against him and the Army of the Light. (With Sylvanas returning from the Maw, with the first task Tyrande assigned her complete)

After all, Blizzard could never let one of the Horde leaders have a punishment last more than an expansion.


alliance will never have controversial leaders in current day


Have they ever?

Varian was until Anduin started to actively ruin his character. All Vancleef business, almost killing dwarf leadership and all that

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That was such BS.

Moira was completely in her right to take the Dwarven throne. The fact he thought he had the right to come into Ironforge and kill her all because she locked the city down and Anduin happened to be inside (and she treated him as an honored guest, I might add), then had the audacity to take power away from her and force her to form a dwarven council still boggles my mind.

Moira should have been the Dwarven Leader. It was her birthright.

And it was taken away by a zealous human leader who quite literally tried to slit her throat.


Genn’s bark is worse than his bite.

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Wasn’t it cool when characters actually flawed and controversial and not just perfect virtues of morality and goodness?


Anyone who thinks Varian was a good man never read the books. He was a horrible person. Lmao.

Him dying was such a good thing in my eyes. Blizzard trying to play him up as this chivalrous, noble man was always such a “Are we talking about the same person?” to me.

I think that’s why they killed him off. Because there were people like me, who read the same books as me, who knew Varian was not a good guy. And that’s not what Blizzard wanted out of the Alliance. So they wanted to make Anduin into that guy.

But then Horde complained Alliance were too “Goodie Good” so they decided to give Anduin PTSD in Shadowlands, and now we’re… here. With someone everyone entirely expects to start a tyrannical crusade of the Light against both the Horde and Alliance eventually.


Genn’s edge, much like Varian’s, has been totally blunted by Anduin’s influence. He’s no longer the raging, vengeful king of the were-people.

He’s the royal nanny of the young philosopher-king Andy…